Chapter 1: Taylor Bieber

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- 0 Weeks Old -

Justin kissed my forehead, "Oh, Serrina. You did it." He was crying, "You did it. I'm so proud of you."

I looked up and saw Meghan holding up a baby. She was covered in blood, but under it all, that was my daughter.

"Meet Taylor." Meghan mumbled as she held the baby over my chest, "Open your gown." I tugged the front of my gown loose and they put her down on me, skin to skin.

I didn't care that she was screaming her head off. I didn't care that everybody had seen my vagina. I didn't care that my tits were in the open for everybody to see.

I had my daughter and that's all that mattered anymore.

"Dad, you want to cut the cord?"

Justin looked up from the baby to sniffle and nod. Meghan pointed out where to snip and Justin followed her directions. Taylor was then scooped away from me and taken to the scale.

"We're parents." Justin whispered in my ear, "I love you so much."

I smiled at him and grabbed his face, pulling it to mine and kissing him, "I love you more." I whispered into his lips.

I heard him laugh, "Impossible."

And Now...

- 1 Week Old -

I sat up in the hospital bed and stared at the wall. Taylor had been taken to the NICU because she was 8 weeks premature. Meghan said that she wouldn't have to be there for long, but I still wanted my baby with me.

I'd been stuck in recovery for the last week because of my earlier complications. I was going to be released today and my daughter would have to stay.

Justin walked into my hospital room and smiled at me, "They took her out of the premie box."

"Really?" I gasped. And I wasn't there to see it, "Has Meghan said when I can go see her?"

"How about right now?" Meghan walked through the door pushing a wheelchair, "She's waiting for you."

I excitedly pushed myself from the bed and then felt my knees give out under my weight. Justin caught me and I hard Meghan snicker.

"You just had a baby. Take your time." She whispered.

So I did. I got my balance back then put most of my weight on Justin to walk across the room to the chair. It was important that I walked in order to recover, at least, according to Meghan.

Then I sat down in the mesh wheelchair and we were on our way to see my baby.

As they wheeled me down the hallway I could hear other woman groaning and crying. Babies were crying in the rooms we passed.

"Has she gotten bigger?" I mumbled and looked over my shoulder to Justin.

He smiled and nodded, "Yeah. She's getting fat."

Not off my milk.

"Will she still drink from me? I want to breastfeed."

"It might be hard to transition," Meghan replied, "She's used to the bottle now but we can get her to switch. It won't be easy though. You might need to consider pumping."

I shook my head, "No, I want to breastfeed. I wanted to have that bond with her."

"Then you will." She stopped walking and smiled, "We're here. There she is." She pointed through a glass window at a nursery full of babies. They were all premies so all the babies were smaller. Some were no bigger than my fist.

And then there was Taylor. Twice the size of some of them. A full head of dark hair and even from where I was sitting in my chair, I could see her eyes were open and they were very blue.

Justin was right.

"She is getting fat." I mumbled, "Is she eating too much?" I glanced over my shoulder at Meghan.

She rolled her eyes at me, "Do you want to hold her?"

I hesitated, not sure if I wanted to. I had never held a baby before. What if I dropped her.

But I forced myself to nod and then she pushed me through a doorway. It took seconds for me to be face to face with Taylor.

She didn't look like either of us.

"Are you sure she's ours?"

Justin laughed and reached over me to pick up the baby. He held her so naturally, "Babe, she's ours."

I watched as he coped at her and bounced lightly on his heels. She barely flinched as he shifted her from one arm to another.

"I hate this," I mumbled, "You know her better than I do. I'll never bond with her now. She's going to think you're her mom." I felt my lip quiver, "She already loves you more than me."

He didn't reply to me with his words. Instead he bent down and slowly placed Taylor in my arms. She was soft and as light as a feather. Her dark hair was thin and she had dandruff and her pink, chubby cheeks bounced as he let her fall into my lap.

She started to squirm as I adjusted myself and her so that we were more comfortable. Or, at least I tried.

I glanced up at Meghan, sending her a silent plea of help.

She reached over my and started adjusting my arms, "Keep her head stable. Don't let her arms drop. You will learn how she likes to be held."

I gently bounced her in my arms, "What if I don't?"

"You will."

I looked down at the tiny baby in my arms and bit my cheek. She squinted her face up and then let out a little whimper. Her eyes popped open and then she frowned and squeezed them back shut.

And it finally hit me.

This is my baby.

My daughter.

I'm her mother and Justin Bieber is her father.

She grunted then let out a small cry.

I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat and let out a long sigh.

I know Taylor, I feel the same way.

Never Say Never (Book 2 of 4) (Justin Bieber Love Story) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora