Chapter 24: Gender Reveal

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- 20 Weeks Pregnant -

"You really can't come?" I mumbled. My mom rushed around me, trying to get stuff together.

"I got called into work," She replied, "Theres an emergency at the Hospital and I have to be there. I can ask Darcy to take you?"

"Ugh!" I gasped, "Now that's weird." I crossed my arms, "I don't need your husband being me topless. I'll ask Connor."

"It's okay for Connor to see you topless?"

"He has before." I shrugged.

"Oh!" She gasped and then chuckled, "Ew, TMI." Then Mom kissed my temple, "I have to go. I love you."

"Love you too."

"Text me as soon as you know." I nodded and waved at her as she left. I slowly rolled my eyes and puled out my phone, calling Connor to ask for a ride to the clinic.


I got in his car and closed the door, "Sorry about this." I mumbled.

"No way," Connor gushed, "This is so cool." He laughed, "I get to see your kids close up before anybody else."

I didn't have the heart to tell him that Justin had already seen them too so I just smiled at him, "I'm really glad you came though. I didn't want to go alone."

He smiled and let his eyes on the road, "What do you think they'll be? Two boys? Two girls?"

I shrugged, "I had a dream that it was a boy and a girl." I decided not to tell him the other parts of that dream.

"So you don't think they're identical?" He seemed very intrigued at my thoughts but didn't insist on my answer.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I guess." I bit my lip "You know Taylor was supposed to be a twin too?"

"No way," He smiled and turned a corner, "I didn't know that."

I slowly nodded, "That's why I had so many complications." I mumbled then crossed my arms and sighed.

I looked at him and saw him bite his cheek, "What happened?"

Without thinking, I just spat out, "It died. Or, disappeared, I think." Then I realized how terrible that sounded I bit my tongue, "Meghan said it was vanishing twin syndrome or something. I had really high hormone levels like I should have been having twins but they could only detect Taylor."

He was suddenly very quiet and was staring out the window very seriously.

"Ironic the same thing happened to Taylor once I got pregnant again."

He pulled into Meghan's building parking lot and parked the car before turning to me and sighing, "What happened to Taylor was not your fault. It wasn't Karma or a curse, it wasn't bad parenting. It was a terrible tragedy and you can't blame yourself for it."

I bit my lip and turned to look at him, "I don't blame myself. I wish it had ended differently but I know that I'm not responsible."

He nodded, "Good," Then he laughed and patted my leg, "Then let's go see if you're having boys or girls." He moved to climb out of the car and I smiled, following him outside then going into the office.

It was almost freezing clod inside when I stepped in and I had to go to the front desk, "Why is it so cold in here?" I mumbled to the receptionist.

She slowly nodded, "Meghan suggested I turn the AC up incase your morning sickness was still bothering you."

A small grin showed up on my face, "Im okay now. You can turn it down." She nodded and spun around in her chair to turn down the thermostat. I turned to walk to a chair and sit down. Connor plopped down beside me.

"Your doctor adjusted the thermostat for you?"

I grinned, "She's pretty awesome."

A woman walked down the hall, rubbing her tiny belly. Meghan walked her out then smiled at me, "Serrina! Come on in."

I stood up then paused, "Can Connor come in?"

Meghan paused and turned around, noticing him for, probably, the first time, "Yeah, of course. If you want him there then he can be there."

I smiled and held out my hand to him. He took it and we followed Meghan into the back.

She led us into a private room and closed the door. I let go of Connors hand and slid onto the bed. Meghan was at her small counter setting it up for the ultrasound. When she spun around I saw a measuring tape in her hand.

"I'd like to measure you really quick to see how you're growing." I nodded and stood up, holding my arms out and watching her wrap the tape around my waist. She sighed and then let it drop, standing up, "You're a bit smaller than I'd like you to be but with twins its hard to tell. Women pop out at different points."

My jaw dropped, "Wait, I haven't popped yet?" I ran my hands over my massive belly, "Im almost the same size as I was when I had Taylor."

She nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I don't think you've popped yet. You'll know when it happens. Most of my patients say it practically happens over night."

"Wow," I sighed, "I'll keep an eye out."

She grinned, "Please do, and let me know when it happens. Usually, the later a woman pops the longer it takes her to give birth." Then she wheeled her chair over to the sonogram machine and flicked a switch. It lit up.

"So this is the thing that shows you the babies?" Connor spoke up.

Meghan glanced over at him and smiled, "Right, you've never seen this before. Yes, this machine will show us everything thats going on inside the uterus."

He slowly nodded, "I got it."

Then she quickly grabbed a tube of gel and I pulled my shirt up, glancing to Connor and spotting his grin. Then I felt the cool gel land on my skin then Meghan pressed the wand thingy to my stomach, it was quiet at first but she adjusted the position of the wand and then the little thumps filled the room. I listened and heard the two distinct sounds.

"What's that? Is there something wrong?" I turned to Connor and shook my head.

"That's their hearts." I laughed and felt a tear fall down my cheek, "They're healthy." He reached over to the bed and grabbed my hand, squeezing it and then holding it to his chin.

Meghan smiled at the two of us then continued her work, "There's baby number one," She paused and pressed a button on the monitor, "Are we finding out the genders?"

"Yes," I mumbled, nodding and squeezing Connors hand.

She pressed the button again and the screen began to wobble again, "Okay, so baby number one..." She paused and held the tiny wand still, "Girl." I felt my heart race a little.

A girl.

"The there's baby number two." She sighed, "And thats's a..."

Connor laughed, "A penis!"

Meghan chuckled, "Good eye. That's a boy."

I was right. A girl and a boy.

I felt my eyes tearing up and blotted my eyes with my palms, "Really?"

She smiled, "Yes, Congrats Serrina."

Connor patted my knee and Meghan handed me a cloth to clean myself up, but I couldn't have cared less.

A boy and a girl.


Never Say Never (Book 2 of 4) (Justin Bieber Love Story) ✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat