The Monsters of The Night

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These questions plague me,
Like monsters in the night,
I don't want to ask them,
And yet I do.
Why not die?
Who really cares?
Who would even notice?
Why do I try?

Do you ever feel like you're trapped on the wrong side of a mirror?
You can see everyone but there's a barrier between you.
You need help but no one can hear you.
You need comforting but no one knows you're there.

The monsters of the night,
They're slowly killing me.

Do you ever want to die?
To just up and leave this world.
Leave everyone you know behind.
Free yourself from the problems of the living.

Do you ever feel like just curling into a ball and disappearing?
Vanishing into thin air.
Floating away like a feather on the wind.
*poof* Gone like a magic rabbit.

The fiends of the gloom,
Destroying me from the inside.

Do you feel the need to talk, but don't want to talk to anyone?
Your feelings well up inside you threatening to break you,
Yet there's no one you can trust,
No one who'll listen.

Do you ever feel like your friends just want you dead?
They act like you don't exist,
They turn away when you come close,
They don't seem to care at all.

The demons from the dark,
Eating away at my sanity.

For what reason do I even run this race?
Why do I even try?
What goal am I trying to achieve?
What am I really fighting for?

The monsters in the night,
They'll be the death of me.

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