Cuisine Pride

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Do you find it hard to find your favourite food?
Maybe you don't
Maybe it comes naturally.

Maybe you like the food of your culture
Or maybe you taste a variety of flavours
Maybe you like mixing it up and trying different things.

Maybe you have two favourites
But one is a bit better than the other.

Maybe you like food that everyone else says is weird
Maybe you don't like eating much at all
Maybe you like eating sometimes and other times not.*

Whatever your choice it's yours alone
No one gets to choose it
And you don't choose your taste buds
Even if sometimes you think the food you like is a bit strange.

Even if you don't have a favourite food yet
And you're still taste testing
That's okay.

Maybe you think that no one else likes the same food as you
But I think you'll find there's people out there in the same boat
People out there who like the same food no matter how weird
So don't be afraid to tell people your favourite food
No matter how weird
Just trust that someone will be there who likes it too.

Whatever your food (or lack thereof)
Whatever your choice
It's yours and yours alone and I respect that.

So let the cuisines of the world shine forth
Let all the people of the world eat in harmony
And eat plentifully and with much gaiety.

*disclaimer, no matter who you are you should eat, food is needed to stay alive and everyone deserves life no matter what you've done. Stay strong stay safe, there is great love for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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