1: Hard Times For A Dreamer

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Suddenly I opened my eyes in a big hurry, but then I closed them with anger. Again. Only a dream. I sighed. "Could this be my sad future? Only dreams?" I sighed again drowning in sadness. "I guess I can't go back to my dream now, even if I have my eyes closed". Then, thinking in the real world, I opened my eyes. There it was. That sad excuse for a room that I had. I'd never complain about my economical state, but after that dream, everything seemed depressing. I stood up and examined the room from my bed. It wasn't fancy at all, it only had the essentials: a small kitchen with a sink and a fridge, a tiny couch, a closet and a bathroom. Once again, I was glad that at least the toilet wasn't in the same room with the same stuff, like I thought when I rented the room. The walls were supposed to be white, but with the humidity and the years, they were virtually grey. Then again, I had no motive to complain about my place or either the money. So, I shook my head trying to left my sleepy thoughts in the pillow and started my day.

As usual, the first thing was dragging my lazy body to the shower and finishing the process of waking up. After a good (and long) hot shower, I stepped outside to dry my body. While doing this, I inspected my face. Clearly, I wasn't making too much money or I'd forgot to eat for months. I was very thin, even my bones highlighted my face. "If I keep like this, I may disappear." A sad laugh came out of my mouth. I stopped watching the poor picture in the mirror and made my way to the closet. I looked over the window and I saw that the sun was coming out. I choose my blue dress with white dots and my old dusty black shoes. "My poor shoes. I promise that with my next pay, I'll give you a propper retirement". I watched the clock: 5 a.m. Hurried up dressing and started making some coffee. By the time I finished, it was 5.30. I went to my night table and picked up my mom's hair clip. It was the only thing that I had left from her. Not a photo or even a letter. Just an old moon shaped hair clip. I picked up my hair and hold it with the hair clip. Grabbed my bag and I was out of my room. When I passed by the reception, the owner of the building saw me. "Morning Miss, another day at work?". I cursed from inside. "Hmm, Hi Mr. Halloway, yes I'm heading to the café, I don't want to be late". I started begging for him to let me go without a word about the rent. "Oh, I see, well I don't want to be on your way. Nice to see you Miss. Have a good day." I faked a smile and made my way to the main door. I was about to leave when I heard a low and quick "Good thing you're pretty, because I'll already kick your ass into the street for owing two months". I pretend I didn't hear anything and closed the door. "What a nightmare" I sighed, and continued my way to work.

When I arrived, the door was already open and the curtains up. As I entered to the café, the tiny bell on the door anunced my arrival. "Good morning Snow White" my partner Sally said behind the bar. "Morning Sal, how's everything?" I asked her while I hanged my bag in the staff room."Well aside from the fact that I had to clean all the damn café by myself, pretty good" She stared at me pretending anger. "I'm so sorry, you know I can't came to work without my nails done. That's why I'm late" I answered showing my hands at her. She laughed and smiled at me. "What happened? You have luck that Mussolini isn't here yet". I giggled. "I came home late, because I was doing the night shift, and I was too sleepy. I'm sorry I didn't help with the tables." She sighed."God girl, how many shifts are you going to make? You need to sleep sometimes you know?". "I know, but I already owe two months of rent, and if I don't pay them by the end of the month, I'm on the street." Sally gave me a "C'mon" look. She was very good with that type of look. "I told you a million times that you can live with me. I have a pretty comfy sofa" I laughed. "Live with you? And then what, I start to use earplugs every time Tom is coming?" She looked at me seriously, trying not to laugh. "Okay, have it your way." I showed her my tongue. "Do you need any help over there?" She shook her head. "Just put on your apron and turn on the lights and the sign". "Okay!" I went to the back of the kitchen and pull the lights of the dinning. Luke and Harry were already there, preparing everything. "Hi guys, how are you?" They both smiled. "Snow White! You should steal some food from here" Harry said. "Yeah, sure. Mussolini will be thrilled." I heard their contagious laugh as I walked out the kitchen. When I reached the bar, Laura was coming out the bathroom, all sweat and gasping. "God, sometimes I think our costumers are pigs" She complained. "Hi there Cinderella" I waved at her. "Oh, now I'm Cinderella? And you are Snow White and we live in a fairy tale. Sounds great! But I prefer having two evil stepsisters than cleaning bathrooms, thank you." She responded while taking her gloves and looking at the toilet with nausea. She always complained. "Hey Sal, I'm going to clean the windows from outside. You sure you don't need my help" "Yeah, don't worry." I took some glass cleaner from the bucket that Laura had and headed outside. After cleaning, I took four steps back and looked at the entrance. "Lost in the 50's" The big pink sign said. I liked that work. After all the 50's were a great age, and I got to sing too. "A waitress plus singer. Such a celebrity I am." I sighed, still looking at the big sign. "Well hello." I jumped. "Oh, Mr. Wale, good morning. You jump scared me" I mumbled those last words to my boss. "Oh, pardon moi, wasn't my intention dear" He said fixing his tie. "Well, is everything prepared?" He asked with an eyebrow lifted. "Uh-Y-Yes, yes sir, just let me start the juicebox and I'll put the 'Open' sign" He bend for tying his shoes, acting like I didn't exist. I understood the order and went inside. While I was in my way to the juicebox, I whispered to Sally "Mussolini is in the house" And winked at her. She giggled. "I'll start with something soft, it's early" And so I put the number 305 on. The music started. "Hell I love you!" Sally yelled from the bar

"I prayed the Lord to send me a love,

He send me an angel from heaven above.

The stars in the sky he placed in her eyes,

She is my true love."

And so, with Jack Scott in the background, the café was open.

It was 1 p.m. and I was in the staff room taking my first break of the day. Sally came in to join me. "Damn, this place is popular. Costumers won't stop coming. I'll have to shower like ten times to wash away the smell of coffee." I laughed. "Oh c'mon, it isn't so bad. Would you prefer that no one would come? We wouldn't make any money". She laughed sarcastically. "Well, darling, I don't know where you work, but in my job, I barely make the month with the payment." I made a serious look "My Honey Pie, we'll manage to gather money enough to travel to Hollywood and we'll make our dreams come true! WE'LL BE FAMOUS!" I yelled at her with a deep voice while grabbing her face dramatically. We both laughed until our belly hurt. "My God, you and your dreams" She said rubbing her stomach. "Well, is the only thing that Mr. Wale haven't take off me, yet" I answered with a smile. She giggled, followed by a big jump off the couch. "What is it? Don't tell me you're going to show me another gift from your dear boyfriend" She stared at me seriously, but the excitement of something was slipping in her eyes. "I forgot! Look at THIS!" She yelled while putting the newspaper in my face. "You know, I can't see a thing if you cover my face with the paper" I managed to say. "Oops, sorry" She said, still excited. She pulled back the newspaper and handed it over. "Read the headline, READ IT" she yelled hysterically. "Oh my God, can just chil-" I was complaining while my eyes read the headline, and then I couldn't say another word. I was shocked. A mortal silence filled the room. I looked up at my friend, she still looking back with a big smile in her face. I knew that look. She was charging her fangirl being, waiting that I react and then join her. "Th-The B-Beatles Are In T-Town" I whispered. That was it. My internal fangirl was exploding, making her way out of my shutted mouth. And then, she was out. "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!" Sally started to jump all over the staff room. "I KNOW, I KNOOOOOW!" I joined her and we both started to jump and yell all over the place. Our favorite band was in town. The fucking Beatles. It was a dream came true. Suddenly, someone opened the door and we stopped yelling, but not jumping. "Geez girls, calm down, we can hear you even outside. Mr. Wale will kill you if the costumers starts to complain." Stanley said angrily. We stopped jumping and sat in the couch, panting. "I guess you showed her the news, Sal." he said with an eyebrow lifted. "You guessed right" She responded happily. "Well I know it's damn exciting and all the stuff, but really, you think you'll run into them in the street? Or maybe they'll come to the café? Stop the bullshit and get back to work" He hissed and closed the door. "What a jerk" I snorted. "What a damn pain in the ass he is." She added. "Don't worry, we can still dream about it right?" I sighed. "Right. C'mon, back to reality". We both grab our apron and headed to the dinning.

It was 8 o'clock and my shift was finished. I was tired, so I waved to my partners and leave the café. While I was walking, someone grabbed my arm and turned me around. "Damn Sal, stop doing that! You scared me!" She laughed "Hey Snow White, would you like to go out? Maybe go to a club and dance?" She suggested with eyes wide open. "Hmm, I don't know. I'm tired Sally and I don't have money to pay a club's entrance." I said with a tint of sadness in my voice. "C'mon silly! I know your situation! I mean Tom's invited to a costume party and he can bring people!" I hesitate."I don't know, I don't have any costume." She looked at me and waved her eyes. "I got some at home, come with me, please! It'll be fun. You deserve to relax, it's not only work in life, you know?" She was playing her cards well. "But..." I started "But nothing! And maybe you can meet some storybook prince, don't you think?" She winked at me. I didn't have more excuses. "Okay, okay! I'll go." I finally surrendered. She lifted her fist in the air claiming victory. "Hell yeah! Let's go to my apartment!" I sighed and followed her.


Hello, I'm new with writing fanfiction so If you have any suggestions please leave it, I'm all ears.

I know it's a long chapter and it doesn't talked too much about the beatles yet, but I'm just introducing the main character. I promise they'll appear soon!

Living Is Easy With Eyes Closed (The Beatles Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin