4: Another Girl

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George's POV

"We finally made it!" I said with excitement. Boy, it was a long way to find the damn house. I took a look and then I though "It was a long way to find the damn mansion!" Yes, that seemed about right. But nothing we'd never seen though. "Me suit doesn't fit me, it's too large!" Ringo whined. "Then, you would decided to be a taller man, don't you?" John replied with a severe look. "I guess you're right, I do like me stature" He said. "Then stop whining and let's go!" Paul adedd. The four of us walked to the front door. A man was in the reception. Before I could say anything, he started talking."Oh, Mr. Harrison, what a pleasant surprise. My master told me you would come. And I see that you brought your friends. My, my, what a interesting party, with The Beatles as guests." He finished. "Yeah, yeah, just lets us go into the bloody party". John complained. "I'm sorry Mr. Lennon, but I can't let you through without a mask, no, no, it would ruin the whole atmosphere that the master has created." He said. I figure that this lad was desperately in love with his "master". "Bloody hell, what do we do know?" Ringo said frustuated. "Oh don't worry, we have a solution for this problem..." He replied and point a basket in the floor that contained several masks. "I recommend you to choose the white ones. It would fit with your costume" He added. "Well, well, seems like nothing is going to stop us from being here!" He said smiling and took a white mask. "C'mon then, lads!" He finished this with a big laugh and then ran into the party. "Thanks for your time sir" Paul added bowing and taking a mask. Ringo and I followed him.

John's POV

As I arrived to the main room, I glance at the place. Thousands of rich men. "And thousands of rich women" I said out loud. The lads joined me. "This place is huge!" Ringo said. "It's immature to drag things down to your own level, son." Paul replied him with wisdomly voice. "I feel like dancing" George added. "Okay, so what do we do?" Paul asked me. "Whatever we want to! For tonight we are free! Fly my little blackbirds!" I shouted and ran to the bar with my arms open like a plain. I sat down, like a true gentleman, and asked for a drink. "Bartender! A scotch with coke for me please!" I demmanded. "Right away sir." He replied. He place the drink in front of me. "Cheers!" I said and drank up. What a delicious night. While I was at my third drink, I heard the bartender talking, and a girl's voice responding. When I heard the word "scotch" I turned to my right side. The girl was in a Snow White costume, but that was not what caught my attention. Her hair was long, with curves and dark as the night. Her figure was thin, small. My body suddenly felt attracted for her, and I followed my instincts. "Ah, this is good. I haven't drink something like this in ages!" She said referring to the whiskey. It was my turn to say something. "Well, after all, you live in the woods with seven little lads, don't you? I can't think where you would find a good drink there" I said. She turned around. I could see her eyes, with the color of honey. They were shining with anger. "I'm sorry 'pal', what who you think you are? Just because I'm wearing a Snow White costume, doesn't mean I'm her!" she yelled. While she was talking to me, I inspected her. Her skin was pale, and her small mouth red as an apple. "I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to tease you. I was just starting a conversation" I replied with a respectful voice. She left the angry position and laughed. "Oh, you always start conversation like that?" She asked with irony. "Well, I like to entertain" I said shrugging. She smiled. "It's okay, I'm sorry. That was rude." She apologized. "Care if I join you?" I asked. She shook her head. I sat up beside her. "I must admit, I never saw a girl drinking a dry scotch. Less, alone." I said. She raised an eyebrow. "Well, you haven't seen too much, pal." She added and finished her drink. "Where're you from?" She asked. "England." I replied. I knew that after a couple of drinks later, she would be eating from my hands. "I know silly, I can recognize your accent. But from what part of England?" She replied. She was getting interested. "Well, I'm from-" "Man, I love this song!" She yelled. 'Another Girl' was playing. "So she's a fan" I thought with pleasure. This was my shot. I looked at the dance floor. "Yes, it's a good song. Would you like to dance?" I asked. But when I looked back she was gone. I started to look around. but she was nowhere to be found. I sighed. "What a strange girl" I thought. "We will see each other again" I said with a smile and drank. 

Paul's POV

I was sitting on a couch drinking and smoking. George was talking with a girl and she was giggling. Ringo was showing his dancing moves. I laughed. Ringo was something when he danced. He was singing too, because one of our songs was playing. It was a fun party, and I was relaxed. Then something caught my attention. A small girl, dressed as Snow White reached the dance floor. She started dancing and singing without any care. Her long, black hair, was waving in every direction, which make her more attractive. She even went close to Ringo and started dancing with him. I could hear her melodic laugh. When the song ended, everybody clapped. Ringo gave her a bow, and she answer the same way. They waved and then Ringo came to sit down beside me. "Wohoo! What a great party, eh mate?" He said panting. "You dance for quite some time son, don't get too tired." I replied with a wink. "Yes, but the last song was the most intense. That girl sure was enthusiastic." He said with a smile and grabbed his drink. "Yeah I saw her. Who is she?" I asked innocently. "I dunno Paul, we didn't talk, we just danced." He said. 'A Taste Of Honey" began to play. "Hey look, this song is more slow, and there she is, all by herself. Why you don't take her to dance?" He suggested. I looked at the dance floor. Indeed, everyone was dancing in pairs, but she was alone, looking everywhere. I didn't hesitate. I stood up and walked to reach her. When I finally reached her, she was looking the other way. I took her hand and whispered in her ear "Lady, would you dance with me?" She turned around. Her eyes were shining. She opened her red little mouth and replied "It would be my pleasure, sir." She took my hand and placed her other hand in my shoulder.

A taste of honey, tasting much sweeter than wine.

We began to dance slowly. She closed her eyes and placed her head in my shoulder. "Good thing it's a slow song, I was getting tired." She said close to my ear. An electric wave went through my back. Her voice was so soft. "Well, good thing then that I choose a good moment" I replied. She giggled. "I didn't want to come to this party, you know? But I'm having a good time." She said. "Strange thing, I met a lot of british people tonight" She added. "Oh no, I'm no longer special." I answered with a fake worrying voice. She step aside and looked me in the eyes. She was so pale, so thin, so unprotected. I felt the need to hold her in my arms, to protect her.

I dream of your first kiss, and then

I feel upon my lips again

"What a strange feeling" I said quietly, still looking at her. "What?" she answered. I opened my mouth to replied, but another girl in a red dress cutted me. "C'mon Snow, we have to go! Tom vomited the bathroom, we're going to get in trouble!" She said desperately and grabbed her hand. "Oh, okay" She nodded. She looked at me. "Thanks for the dance. Bye" She smiled. Then, began to run with the girl to outside. I stood there for a minute, saving the picture of those red lips smiling at me. Then I came back. "I got to see her again" I thought and started to ran to the entrance, hoping I could catch her. When I arrived, she was gone. I looked at the doorman and asked. "Did you see a girl with a red dress? She was with another girl in a Snow White costume" "Oh yes, those two took that man that smelled awfully and ran outside." He replied. So she was gone. I sighed. I looked at the black sky and remember her hair. "I shall see you again" I thought and enter quietly into the mansion.

I'll come back for the honey

and you.


I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit too long, I got carried away. Hope you'll like it!

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