Moving To Forks. Wrong Move? [Chapter One]

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Chapter One- First Meeting

"Hey Dad, Long time no see" I told my dad Charlie Police Chief of Fork, A small town in Washington D.C. 'Oh, god rain already' thought as I went out side.

"Hey Bells you look more beautiful as usual," Charlie said making me blush, he seemed more cheerful.

"Hello Bella," said a beautiful woman next to Charlie. She had clear white skin, her eyes were gorgeous emerald and her hair was dark brown.

"H-hi, you must be Karisa," I said, "it's a pleasure to meet you my dad told me a lot."

She chuckled "I'm sure he has, but we'll get know each other much better now that your here." she smiled hopefully at me. "Andre, come here say hi to your sister"

A little boy came up to me I guess he was about 4 years old, he had a chunk of light brown hair on his head and green eyes; his skin was the same colour as Karisa's.

"Hi," he said shyly extending his hand

"Isabella, but you can call me Bella. You probably don't like be treated like a kid so I won't embarrass you." I shook his hand and smiled.

He laughed, "Mommy, can Bella come home with us?"

"Hunny, she's your sister of course she'll come home with us" she chuckled

"Alright, enough of that champ," Charlie said as he picked up and tickled Andre, making him giggle. He gave him to Karisa and took my bags "Come on bells, I know you'll love the new house we bought, you'll have your own floor. The problem is it's on the outskirts of town so it'll take a while to get to school."

The ride to the house was long but Karisa made it comforting. Andre how ever didn't he kept on asking her to play with his tuck- oops I mean truck he cant say truck right so he says tuck. Finally we arrived to Charlie's house. WOW. What an improvement. Hi old house was a dusty old house with two floors it only had one bathroom.

This one was wider then his other house it was wood and it had a balcony! It was surrounded by a forest but it was still beautiful. there was a road leading to the highway. And in the garage were two cars one a Mazda and the other a ford, both looked new. (PICS IN PROFILE)

"Bella," Karisa said grabbed my attention "The ford is a welcome gift from me and your father."

"It's a new Ford KA1 shouldn't be any problems with it." Charlie said

"Dad, you really didn't-"

"Bella We want you to feel welcome here," Karisa said

"Also everyone in this house has there own car even Andre here" he chuckled

"Andre has his own CAR!" I cried

"Yeah, he does, come on let me give u a tour." Karisa said

We went inside the living room was decorated like a wood cabin. Everything was made of wood except for the sofas and the TV of course. The dining room was right beside the kitchen which was to the left of the living room. The right of the living room were Charlie Karisa AND Andres' Bedrooms. There were stairs in the living room leading upstairs.

"This is your floor." Karisa said


"Yes, that's your study room, and you bedroom. It has a bathroom. The study room has a new computer and a desk it also has bookshelves of books. It used to be my study room when I was a child. This is my parents house but since they passed away I've been lonely. Until I married your father of course you might as well unpack TOMMOROW IS YOUR FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL!."

"Thank you Karisa," I said

"Bella, you can call me mom,"

"I-I don't think im ready for that"

"Whenever your ready" she smiled and left.

I unpacked my bags think about my mother.

My real Mother...

the one that died...


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