Moving To Forks. Wrong Move? [Chapter Eight!]

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Chapter 8

I woke to hear two people fighting, I tried to catch what they were saying but I couldn't. It sounded like Edward and Alice. A few more minutes and I was sure that it was Edward and Alice. I moaned and opened my eyes, to see 7 pairs of eyes staring at me with concern.

"Hi," I managed croak out. They all blew out a breath and started talking at the same time. "GUYS!" They shut up, "Thank you! My head hurts and I know I've just been in an accident and you all love me, and that you all are," I gulped and looked around and whispered, "vampires, I don't care! I have to go home, Charlie, Karisa and Andre will be waiting." I tried to get up but Edward pushed me down and lightly.

"Don't worry, Belly Bean!" Emmett said I scowled at him. He chuckled.

"Bella, I called Karisa to tell her we are having a sleep over!" Alice said hyperactively. I laughed at her enthusiasm.

"but I don't have any clothes!" I said faking my concern.

"Oh! Come on Bella! I'm a physic! I know these thing!" she said as she threw me my clothes. I heard Edward growl.

"A physic?" I asked raising my eyebrow, "And Edward did you just GROWL?" unable to hid my amusement. He looked at me concerned.

"Carlisle! I think she's gone into shock and doesn't understand what happened to her." He told Carlisle.

"Oh puh-lease! I know what you guys are and I also know you WON'T hurt me." I said sticking my tongue out at him, "the ones that attacked me had red eyes you have golden. There must be some kind of thing in your diet..." I said running a hand thru my hair, in frustration. "Maybe you eat or in this case drink something that changes the colour of your eyes from them... They drink human blood for you probably drink something else... your eyes change too, when you angry or hungry they turn dark...hmmm..."

"Carlisle!" Edward yelled scaring me. "Do something!"

"Edward son I know I've never told you this before, but please shut up..." Carlisle said smugly, and after a 'oh dry' from Emmett and 'sad bro' from Jasper. He continued but he gave Edward an apologetic glance but Edward immediately shut up. "Bella, you are clearly very observant of your surroundings and Edward is shocked for the fact that a human is so smart."

"Hey you were human once too buddy, so don't be acting like that." I said to Edward whose looked down ashamed. I felt bad but then again he called me dumb, so yea. "So Carlisle, what do you guys eat or... drink?"

"The ones you saw where human blood drinkers but we only drink animal blood. Its not as good but it works we don't want to be killers and this way we stay in one place and be a family..." Carlisle went on and on and I learned so much about their kind it was fascinating. They all probably thought I was going to run away but I wouldn't and I am not going to tell anyone. This is freaking AWESOME! I have vampire that I'm tight with so don't mess with me! Carlisle told me that James, Laurent and Victoria are now killed, which made me shiver involuntarily. Carlisle was talking about the powers that they have as a gift.

"So Alice can see the future, Jasper manipulates emotions and Edward reads mind..." he was saying, I screamed...

"EDWARD CAN READ MY MIND!!!" I looked at him horrified, he looked like he was expecting this. "THAT IS FREAKING AWESOME! Okay, what am I thinking." I asked as Emmett and Jasper grinned and Alice jumped up and down excitedly and Rose smiled. Esme was no where in sight. We were in the living room. I thought about Kellan Lutz's movie that I watched last night Stick it. Edward looked shocked.

"I...I can read your mind" he said smugly.

"W-what? Why!" I asked.

"I don't know there is some kinda of shield on your mind..." he trailed off in deep thought. My stomach growled.

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