Moving To Forks. Wrong Move? [Chapter Two]

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Chapter 2

I wasn't able to get any sleep even after I had cried my eyes out and drifted to sleep. I was sleeping but I wasn't full unconscious I felt like something was haunting me. Well more like I felt my mother was haunting me. AGGHH! My mother is dead I kept reminding myself.

Anyway, I couldn't sleep so I got up and started sketching. I sketched for about an hour and took a shower when I cam back I realised that I had sketch my mother.

Oh god... I need to get over the fact that my mother is dead...and I am completely ok with it...well not really I wanted to be in Phoenix with my best friends and enjoy the sun but I'm struck here in forks! The rainiest town in the world!!! Awesome job Isabella...Why did we even go hiking in the first place! Oh, right I wanted to see the awesome sites in Switzerland!!! AGGHH!!! Well it was partly her fault why did she go so deep in those woods! It was oblivious that an animal would attack her! But she was probably hopeless against an animal by her self but Phil went with her... that animal must have been pretty strong or maybe Phil was too weak... it doesn't make sense! AGGHH! TIME TO GO TO FREAKING SCHOOL!!

I quickly diverted my mind by picking out my outfit... Hmmm...what to wear... I decide on going 'innocent' today, I smirked at the thought. I wore light blue skinny jeans, with a white and red stripped sweater and converse all-star in black. Just to top off the 'innocence' I wore a heart necklace. I looked in the mirror, I looked pretty good...

I headed downstairs and saw Karisa feeding Andre and Charlie eating breakfast they looked like a prefect family.

"Bells!" Charlie said as he walked up to me "I'm sorry I'm not gonna be there for you first day at high school, but duty calls."

"It's ok Dad, I'm not 5 anymore" I said chuckling, "Hey Karisa you want me to drop Andre to school, his school is a 5 minute drive from mine. I did a little research last night" I said smirking

"Oh, Bella that would be great, I have to be at the office early today!" she said beaming at me.

"No prob!" I said I quickly grabbed a granola bar but Karisa stopped me.

"Bella, you should at least have a glass of milk before school." She said giving me a glass of chocolate milk. "Have the granola bar after you drink this."

"Ok, Thanks" I said and quickly gulped down the glass of milk, "Come on Andre! We've gotta get you to school!"

"Okie dokie!" Andre said jumping up and giving Karisa and Charlie a hug and kiss.

"Bye Karisa, Bye dad" I gave Charlie a kiss and Karisa a hug.

"Bye Kids drive safely!" Karisa said

I got to the garage and unlocked my Audi r8 (I changed the car I didn't like the ford anymore, he he, I decided on going a bit more expensive...), I told Andre to sit in the passenger seat while I got in the drivers seat. The engine purred to life, I pulled out of the driveway and headed toward Andre's school. Andre was constantly asking me questions. Like how old I was and how I was his sister and where was I before I lived in forks. For a 4 year old the guy can sure ask a lot of questions. Finally we arrived at Andre's school.

"Okay, Andre you sure you're gonna be okay?"

"Yup, Bye Bella," He said popping the 'p' as he kissed my cheek and ran to his friends, I waited until the bell rang and he slipped into school. Why was I feeling so protective of this little guy? I got into my Audi and suddenly felt like music so I put on Jordan Sparks 'No Air', I put it up pretty high and pulled into my high school. Every eye was on me and my car a few people commented about my 'wheels' as they put it. I went to the office.

Moving To Forks? Wrong Move? [Completed!]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ