Moving To Forks. Wrong Move? [Chapter Three]

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Chapter 3

I walk into biology my next class. I walk right in and talk to Mr. Banner our Biology teacher.

"Hi, I'm Isabella Swan," I said with a smile.

"Oh, yes Isabella, Class this is Isabella Swan I'm pretty sure you know she's new and will be in this class. Miss. Swan would you please take the empty seat beside Mr. Cullen." My head snapped to see which Cullen was it. It turns out it was Edward, I smirked.

"Hey Eddie!" I said, when Mr. Banner had told us to get started on the lab.

"Could you please not call me Eddie," He said gritting him teeth. I laughed.

"Okay Fine, Edvard! How are you doing this fine day?" I said but I couldn't hold back my laughter.

"You know, simply calling me Edward would do..." He said in annoyance but there was something else in his tone, I just couldn't put my finger on it. Was it joy or humour?

"I know, but everyone calls you Edward, I wanted to call you something about...Dazzler?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Dazzler? Why?" he asked confusion

"Cause I haven't known you from about an hour and I noticed you have a way of... persuasion..." I said blushing slightly.

"Oh, you mean to oppose the fact that I always get what I want?"

"Yup" I said popping the 'p' "I'm not affected by you 'dazzling'" I said smirking

"Oh, well we shall see then wont we?" Edward said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes , we shall."


The bell rang, I hoped up.

"Bye Edward," I said and rushed out of the class.

"Bye Bella" he said slowly getting up. I went to my next class gym.


Gym was fun! For once I wasn't injured! But I did get mike injured with a basket-ball. It wasn't my fault the ball slipped... Anyway finally my first day of torture was over I quickly changed into my normal clothes and headed towards my car. As soon as I got in I turned the engine on. Hearing it purr made me somehow relax. I turned on my stereo and it was playing Jordan Sparks No Air, Hmmm... I felt like something faster so I took out my Jordan sparks CD and put in the new Jesse McCartney Departure CD, and put on track 7 My Baby. I put the car in reverse I was about to reverse when I saw the two of the Cullens behind me and I pushed down on the brake a bit too hard. Alice and Jasper walked over. I lowered my window.

"Hey guys thanks for giving me a heart attack." I said sarcastically.

"No problem Bella!" Alice said, I laughed. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over today after school and do a little shopping."

"I'd love to. But don't Bella Barbie me please, I like my own opinion on clothes."

"Okay, but I get to have some opinion on your clothes..." she pushed

"Deal...Oh shoot I gotta pick up my little brother." I said remembering Andre. "Sorry Alice."

"Oh, its okay how about I meet you at your house at umm 5ish?"

"Sounds good, enough time for persuasion." I said smiling "Bye Alice, Later Jazz!"

With that I revved the engine and was out of the school parking lot. I reached Andre's school in exactly 5 minutes. As I entered the bell rang and I saw Andre and his friends come out.

"BELLA!" He screamed pulling me into a hug.

"Hey Drey, how was your day?"

"Great Bella, how was yours?"

"Amusing" I said remembering what happened at lunch. I strapped him in the passenger seat. "Oh Drey, I have to go shopping with some friends, what time does your mom come home?"

"Around 6," he replied, Oh shit. I had to meet Alice at 5!

"What do you usually do after school?" I asked him as I pulled on to the high way.

"I go over to Jake's house." He replied

"Jake?"I asked

"Yeah, Dad's friend Billy's Son" He said "he watches me, until mom comes home."

"Hold on, Drey, I gonna call your mom and ask if you can stay with him... if you want."

"YEAH! JAKE IS AWESOME|!" He replied making me laugh...I would have to meet this Jake.

"Hey Karisa," I said on the phone

"Hey Bella, what's wrong honey?"

"Nothing, I was wondering if I could go shopping with a friend, I could drop Drey at Jake's. he says he doesn't mind...actually he's quite happy about it." I said chuckling

"Yes, Jake does have an affect on him... Oh honey, go on ahead and have fun! But not too much fun, I'll pick Andre from Jake's later; you don't have to worry ok?"

"Ok, Bye Karisa"

"Call if you need anything and there is money in the kitchen cabinet the one right next to the fridge, Ok, Bye and tell Andre I love him and you too ofcourse" with that she hung up.

"Mommy says she love you Drey. Come on let's go to Jake's place." I said thank goodness I still remembered Billy's place due to my fathers fishing trips when I was younger.

We reached La Push in 20 minutes. I parked the car then got around to help Andre with the strap he got off and ran toward the house. I chuckled and closed the door. I ran behind him.

"JAKE!!!!" He screamed. A boy came out he had short hair (I don't like Jake's long hair look shivers) he had dark creamy skin and dark eyes. He was muscular especially because he wasn't wearing a top.

"Hey Andre, I thought you weren't gonna come today." He asked, he hadn't noticed me.

"Oh, I wasn't but Bella has to go shopping with her friends and mom wont be home until 6 so she asked if I wanted to come here and I obliviously said yes." I chuckled to that. Jake noticed me finally.

"Hi, you must be the famous Jacob Black," I said chuckling.

"Yep, that what they call me, well no that's a lie they call me Jake." He said bemused.

"Uuhhaa, I hope you don't mind watching him, Karisa will come to pick him up at 6:30 at the latest."

"No, it's okay, I enjoy watching him, Hey buddy, Embry and Quil are here too. We were working on the car, you wanna help."

"yes!" Andre said jumping from Jake's arms and into the garage.

"I don't have to remind you to be careful right?" I asked

"Not really, I know how to take care of a 4 year old kid." He said smirking.

"Okay, then bye." I said and got into the car. I noticed that jake was still looking at me I chose to ignore and drove home.


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