Chapter 4~ Behind Ones Mask Is True Colors

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!Note!: Here is another song for you guys. I just love finding music like this for my chapters. Also, two updates in a row?! Wow, am I dedicated or what? ...And to that field of chirping crickets, I will tell you that I actually had nothing better to do so, here you go!

Hyde (POV):


Big blue eyes stared back at me. Brimming with sudden confusion, and the remaining tears that lingered in her eyes, like pools waiting to spill over in a waterfall.

"Who...are you?" She asked slowly, taking in her surroundings.

"Where-" With an abrupt turn, she faced me again, fear clear in her eyes.

"Where are we?"

I blinked a few times myself, and gulping quietly, which seemed to echo in my own ears, I exhaled and answered her.

"We are in the Shaygarden Orphanage."

I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth.

Her bright blue eyes suddenly sank, like the color had drained from them completely. Her skin paled even more then it had already been, which I hadn't thought possible. Her lips pulled into a tight line, almost like she were about to burst from over stimulating her emotions.

She watched me for a few moments. Still, almost lifeless. It looked like she was nothing but a corpse now. Her face showed drainage of more then just complexion or health. She looked as if she had saw something horrible that could never be unseen.


I knew that look all to well.

"She...she left me." The girl whispered, her words barely audible.

My eyebrows raised in confusion, and I shifted a little in my spot, causing the girl to flinch.

"Sorry," I apologized, trying to show that I wasn't going to do anything. "What do you mean she left you?"

She shook her head slowly, looking at me this time with a confused expression.

"She left me here, because she didn't want me..." She trailed off slowly. And then frantically reached up and felt at her hair.

I had just now noticed that it looked sort of choppy. Like someone had used a blunt knife to cut her hair free.

"Actually I, found you laying in the snow near the road."

She quickly raised her head at this.

"I brought you back with me so that you wouldn't freeze."

Her oceanic eyes softened slightly, and this time I flinched away when she suddenly reached out for my hand.

For some reason though, I let her place her fingers over mine. The softness of her pale skin, and the warmth that emitted from her weak looking frame confused me.

"You saved me?" She asked gently, watching my eyes. For every second that she stared at me, it felt like years had gone by.

I swallowed slowly, and ignored the large lump that was suddenly forming in my throat.

"In a way, I suppose." Suddenly my voice was quiet, just barely a whisper.

But I knew that she heard me.

The slight brightness in her eye, and the small twitch of her mouth that hinted at a smile.

Without saying a word, because I had felt we had had some sort of connection, or understanding just now, I offer her the glass of water that Mrs. Margaret had prepared.

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