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once there was a girl named ella torella and ella was bright she always got 80s and never ate too much cake her parents loved her and her gran was dead her hair was very long and so was her dress she loved reading and sometimes writing too her only interest was her sister and her best friend and when she turned 13 she had to start high school where her values, beliefs and morals were all in question who was ella torella and why was she alive what was her purpose and why tf did she believe in god and one night when she was hanging out with joey balboey and her parents didn't know she gave him secrets she'd hoped no one else would know she gave him her body and it was no longer hers she gave him her soul and now it was split in 2 and whenever she saw balboey all she saw was the girl she used to be 1 year later she did it again the name was chase dolace and he hated chinese food but loved the way ella's hair fell over her shoulders and another part of soul was whisked away as soon as light hit ella's cheek and oh dear how cold that feeling was and how cold the eyes of chase dolace were when she smiled at him the following week who was ella torella, again? ten boys down and only a fraction of her heart was left it's weird how many halves made the whole of ella torella's heart and by the time ella left university she was supposed to know exactly who she was but all that was left of ella was an ella shell with nothing inside and many men held the pieces of ella that ella used to know and ella had no idea how to get ella back and poor ella shell felt sorry for herself because she was whore, she was easy and nothing could ever change ella wished she could go back to that night with joey balboey and snatch back her soul because it was hers and she willingly let him take it from her and for what? some overly-popularsized dream that it's alright to have sex when you're ready where is ella's soul now that she followed what everyone else believed where did that lead her

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