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Obair POV:

I was distracted by her eyes during the whole class. The reaction she showed after looking me in her class, burned my mind. And now she was continuously starring me. I wanted to finish this lecture as soon as possible. Thank God I finished my lecture and rushed out of the class. But again she stopped me in the middle of corridor for her damn sorry.

"Any thing else?” after listening her I said flatly.

“No just thank....” but I didn’t let her complete and walked away.

Why is she chasing me? To hell with you and your sorry.” I mumbled.

Due to this girl my best friend was mad at me. I was looking for Awais when I saw him sitting on stairs all alone. I took a deep breath because it looked like this time He will not be so easily pleased.

“For how long you will remain angry.” I sat near him and shook his shoulder.

“As long as you do not change yourself.” He replied flatly without looking me.

“And why do I change myself.” I tried to hide my smile at his childish behaviour.

“Because I want to see you like before the person who is not rude, arrogant and self-centred.” He said while looking in my eyes.

I started looking to the ground because I was unable to fulfil his desire. A silence fell for a few minutes. Then I heard his voice.

“I will agree only at one cost.”

I looked up and asked him.
“And what is it.”

“Todays lunch is from your side and by your mom.” He gave me a puppy smile.

“Ok then lets go.” I smiled and by holding his hand moved towards the parking area.
My mother was very happy to meet with Awais after along time. We had our lunch together. 

“So when are you getting engaged?” He blasted and I choked at his question and started coughing. I glared him.

“What is this rubbish.” I asked
He passed me a glass of water while hiding his smile and continued.

“Don’t you know auntie told me that she is looking a girl for you.”

“Mom seriously you don’t tell me that.” I asked my mom with surprise.

“Obair I told you that I have decide to get you engage after your finals.”

“Yes but you did not discuss about this.” I demanded.

“O Obair why are you arguing just chill we all shall have great fun in your wedding. I have a lot of plans for you.” Awais tried to calm me.

“O bro hold a second. There is no such thing happened ok.” I made them clear.

“Yessss! Okayyyy!”  my mom and Awais said in union and started laughing.

I didn’t want to be rude to them so I calm down myself and seriously concentrate one food. All of sudden they stop laughing. A silence fell for a minute. Then my mom called me.


“G mom.”  I looked up I saw tears in my her eyes while Awais was trying to avoid me.

“Mom please I am not refusing your request. Its just I am not ready to start a new relation. May be in few months I shall be ready. Please don’t cry there is nothing more than you in my life.”
I places my hands on her hand. She smiled and nodded in agreement.

“Please stop this sentimental scene.” Awais tried to lighten up the situation.

“Shut your mouth and start eating, you are no more different from mom.” I snubbed him.
We again started eating with little chit chat.
“Are you free tonight?” mom asked me after sometime.

“Yes mom.”

“Mrs Qureshi invites us for birthday party of her daughter today. get ready till 8 o clock you are coming with me.”

“No mom.” I protested. “I’ll just drop you there.”

“No, Obair I want you to come. Please for your mother sake.”

I was helpless before my mom s love. I nodded. My mom hugged me

“Thank you son, I know you don’t let me down.”

"Han. What’s going on??"

I looked at Awais he was also grinning. They had very big in their mind.

Iman pov:

I was ready for party . I stood up in front of mirror to take a final look.
I was looking good in black ankle length maxi having golden embroidery at front and at borders with light makeup and head covered with dupatta. I wanted to be look good as this is my birthday. I invited all  my friends. There was a big gathering in our lawn. The guests  were mostly my dad business colleagues and I had no interest in them so I walked towards my friend Ayesha who in busy with other friends.

"You are looking gorgeous girl." She gave me compliment.

"You too Ayesha."She was looking stunning in green kameez salwar.

“Iman beta come here.” My mother called me. She was standing with a lady and a boy whose back were towards me.
I nodded and walked wards her.

“Meet Mrs Rizwan my daughter Iman and Iman she is Mrs Rizwan your dad second cousin and my college friend.” She introduced me.

“Asalam o alaikum auntie!” I greeted  her.

“And he is her son Obair Rizwan.” I looked at him and we both stunned.

What a small world. I was very much surprised by this revelation. I saw his expression become tensed and eyebrows frowned in disliking.

“Asalam o alaikum sir!” I greeted him.

“Do you know each other.”

As he opened his mouth, I interrupted him

“Yes he is my senior in university and nowadays he is our honorary teacher.” I told them in detail.

“That’s good then we have no need to introduce you.” My mom and Mrs Rizwan smiled to each other meaningfully.

"What are these guys up to? There attitude were suspicious."
I thought.

“Iman beta take Obair with you and show him our house. Go beta.” My mom said and They both moved on to another table. Now we were all alone. He looked busy in his cell phone.so i was the first to start.

“Lets go Obair.”

“No I am not interested you carry on with your activity.” He seriouly rejected my offer.

“At this second I have only one important thing that is to give you company." I tried to be nice.

“Thank you for that but I am ok.”

"How rude?"
I thought but this time i was not going to leave him that easily.

“So you know about our parents relationship.” I tried to continue our conversation.

“No, its first time I hear about this. So may you excuse me.” He tried to leave. But I did allow him.

“No first I have to show you our house other wise my mom will mad at me.”

“This is not my problem.” he said

“How you be so rude. Ok I go back and tell our mother that you are not interested.” I threatened him and succeed.

"O what the hell. Ok stop. I am coming." He walked with me and i was grinning and praising my brain in my mind.

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