chapter 9

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Tommy pov: 4months later

I woke up like I normally do I don't have pain and today happens to be my due date well if I don't get pain by tonight imma go to the doctors to see what is going on. Are baby boy might not want to see us yet I guess. Are Jacob Alberto Lambert is gonna be one cutie. I hope he learns to love Luna the way we do and I hope he takes care of her when she is having boy best friend drama since you know she is way into girls then guys. I looked over to see Adam waking up so I tryed to sit up but failed this belly of mine makes it hard to. I waited to Adam woke up all the way he looked over at me

Adam: good morning pretty kitty & my baby boy Jacob

Tommy: good morning

Adam: are you having pain?

Tommy: no not yet if I don't all day I'm gonna tell you so we could go yo the doctors and see what's going on

Adam: Already kitty

Tommy:I hope Jacob treats Luna the way we do

Adam: I'm sure he will be there for her we will raise him right

Tommy: Adam can you help me get up? I have to pee

Adam: yea sure my pretty kitty

He helped me up then I walked into are bathroom I leave the door open just in case if I fall or something Adam can come right in. I used the bathroom brushed and washed my hands then went out to the room Adam was sitting up so I walked over to him a kissed him. He got up did the same thing I did then we went downstairs Luna was already downstairs making breakfast Adam helped her set the table. We sat down and ate then we told Luna if she wants she can go to a friends or the mall for a little while me and Adam watch movies then later we are going out for dinner. She decided to stay home just in case her baby brother is born. We all watched movies like Hush,Lights out and more Luna and me jumped on a couple parts but we have Adam so we are good during the last movie the baby did I kick really hard it ended up hurting me. I told Adam then he put his hand on my stomach Jacob stop kicking Adam talked to him for a little I'm guessing that calmed him down. It is now 7pm we all went to are rooms showered then got dressed we are going to dinner now. We picked a restaurant we go with Luna when she is upset. We got in Adam drove to the restaurant. We got are table then sat down we ordered the food we waiting then ate that after we ate me and Adam paid for dinner. Then he said let's go to the city park there doing lots of fireworks today due to a holiday they do. We walked around the park into I felt water go down my leg.

Tommy:Adam its time

Adam: Luna let's go we have to get tommy to the hospital

Adam drove me to the hospital. Doctors took me into this room they helped me out my clothes into the gown. Adam walked in with this funny look blue outfit on Adam came by my side and grabbed my hand

Doctor: we have to do a c section since you are a male and the baby wants to come out are you ready?

Tommy: yes ahhhhhh (closed his eyes in pain)

Adam: babe you can do this you know you can

I thought of what adam said and that's what I did I gave birth to are jacob. His crying is what got me to realize he is now in the world I feel a little sleepy. So I felt asleep.

Adam POV:

Tommy felt Asleep the doctors cleaned Jacob up them put him in this little bed in Tommy's room Luna came in to see her baby brother she picked him up and I could see the tears going down her eyes we would be staying here into tomorrow doctors are running tests to make sure the c section went right. Luna gave me Jacob I put him to sleep the put him next to Tommy in his little bed near Tommy's bed. The doctor came in handed me a paper with Jacob's hand print and Feet it also said is information. Like his name when he was born the time he was born.

Jacob Alberto Lambert
Born on: December 20th
Weight: 7lb & 13o
Time: 8:46pm
Son of Tommy Joe Ratliff & Adam Michal Lambert. Born in Temple university hospital.

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