Chapter 3- P.O.V.s Alice and basically everyone...

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Alice had heard a scream from the basement, it was a little higher pitched, and she had laughed for a minute before deciding to go down and check it out. Alice pushed her orange hair back and opened the door. "What's going on here?" She yelled in a booming voice. A girl with short orange hair and green eyes jolted up and turned around. She held a knife in her hand and behind her, a boy around the age of 14 was lying on the floor, sighing with relief. The girl's expression turned from evil and crazed to alarmed. Alice had to admit that she herself looked scary. In her torn clothes and with her ever-present mask on her face, she looked creepy and dangerous. The girl dropped her knife and the boy stood up. "Thanks." He said. Alice nodded but then a few more people entered. "What are you 3 doing in here?" Ray exclaimed. "I've got half a mind to report you to my Aunt Emerson right now!" Ruby exclaimed, pulling out her phone. "Is this for noodles?" Another girl said. She had short fluffy caramel colored hair and was holding a large spoon. "What in the world?" Mia exclaimed. She had entered the room and was staring at all of them. Then she turned to look at Rose. "You hurt my little brother, I hurt you." Mia said. "You're only older by 3 and a half minutes..." Carter muttered. "Finally a place to relax in this..... What the heck?" Another girl had entered, this one about 18. "Why is this place so full? Is there no where to find peace?" She turned to leave but then the rat on her shoulder jumped off and started racing around the room. "Luna!" She yelled at the rat, "get your little tail back here!" She started chasing after the rat, knocking things down in the process. "So, I see my hiding spot has been discovered." A girl walked in. She looked like she was in her early twenties but looks don't say anything. She was covered in black tattoos and had 3 piercings. "We can leave now if you want..." Alice stuttered, eyeing the knife sheathe strapped to the girls pants. "That would, oof!" The girl crashed to the floor and another girl tripped off the stairs and face-planted. "Oh I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed. "I'm Katie and I'm just so clumsy!" "Why, you little, I'll pulverize you!" The tattooed girl growled. "Now now, we can't have that, can we?" Everyone turned to the staircase where two people stood. One was a woman with long flowing pink hair that curled around her. Her eyes were a bubbly blue and she had pale skin with a bluish tint. The other person was a man in black pants and a gray shirt. His own short hair was waving like it was in the wind, yet there was no wind in the basement. "It appears we have found you before they did and how convenient, you're in the perfect spot." The woman said, smiling. Then she looked at one of the boxes the girl with the rat has knocked over. A few items had spills out of it. "Yes," the woman purred, "the relics." The man gasped and wind began to pick up in the basement. "Grab one item!" He yelled to the kids. Mia reached over and grabbed a leather bracelet. Carter took another. Alice picked up a necklace, and Ray reached for a small iron sword. Soon all of them had an item. The woman grinned. "Come with me children. I will teach you to harness these powers!" "No!" The man yelled, "don't listen to her." The woman began laugh and the others began to nod off when the man yelled and the world disappeared in a wave of gray and blue........

So I'm just going to put this part here despite the fact that I have no followers and no one will probably ever read this... Anyways...yeah...this is chapter 3

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