Chapter 4- P.O.V.s Cora and Lunar

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When Cora woke up, she was confused. She remembered going to the museum and her getting in a fight with her stepfather and hen going to the basement. She had squeezed past another girl, no 2 girls, both with brown hair, but one had a red streak. She remembered a spoon, one that looked perfect for noodle eating. Cora shook her head and tugged on her socks. One went to her knees and had m and m patterns and stripes on it, and the other was polka dotted and only went to her shins. Cora yawned. Then she looked around. She was in a place that almost looked like a hospital room. Cora got up and walked towards the door. She opened it, and was surprised that it wasn't locked. "Oh well." She said. "More freedom for me!" She walked to the next door and found a girl with short dark hair holding a wrench to the window. "What are you doing?" Cora asked. The girl looked at her. "Trying to open this window. What did you think I was doing? Baking a cake?" Cora smiled. She liked this girl. They seemed to share a sense of humor. "Have you tried hitting it?" Cora asked. "Duh." The girl said. "But watch." She swung the wrench and it bounced harmlessly off of the window. "It's like there's a force field!" The girl exclaimed, "I'm Mia by the way." "Cora." "Well nice to meetcha Cora! Now let's find a kitchen. My jaws are getting tired of being without gum."
Lunar was not happy. A stupid girl has made her look like a fool and now she was being held captive in a hospital room. "Let me out!!!!" She yelled, banging on the door, which was locked. "Did you do this to the others too?!?!" "No." A voice said, "but I needed to restrain you. I knew you would be less open to this..." "Kidnapping?" Lunar suggested. "No," the voice said,"but I thought you would struggle more so I locked your door." "Well you were right about that." Lunar muttered crossing her arms. The door wouldn't open, she knew that. Something was forcing them shut. So she'd have to wait. "Fine then," she thought. "I will."
This is my next chapter and it's a bit short but last chapter was sort of long.

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