Chapter 5- P.O.V.s Katie and Mikah

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Katie was worried. She needed to find her  little brother. He was her only family, and she wouldn't be able to bare losing him. But now she was alone, in the kitchen of a strand house. When she'd awoken, Katie had been in a strange room but had quickly left and entered a kitchen. There she'd had the best breakfast ever. Lucky charms with chocolate milk, pancakes with sprinkles, blueberries, and a tall strawberry smoothie. She was so full. That's when she heard voices. "They had better have gum in this kitchen!" One said. "I want Ramen Noodles!" Another said. The people walked in. "Oh, hello!" One girl said, "I'm Cora!" She ran over to the pantry and did a fist pump. "Shrimp flavored ramen!" She yelled. The other girl smirked. "I'm Mia." "I'm Katie. Nice to meet you." Mia walked over to the pantry and smiled. She pulled out a pack of spearmint flavored gum, stuck a piece in her mouth and shoved the gum into her pocket. "So," Mia said, as she smacked on her gum, "you been anywhere besides the kitchen?" Katie shook her head. "Nope. I was starving when I woke up so I immediately searched for a kitchen and I found this place." "Well, it's a kitchen to rival all others!" Cora said as she slurped on her Ramen. "Yum." She said. "Well, I want to find my brother." Mia said. "He's got to be here." "I'll come with you!" Katie said. Mia smiled. "Thanks. Let's go."
Mikah had been exploring the house ever since she'd arrived. She'd found other rooms, a few that were empty now, bathrooms, dining halls, a kitchen, and now she was searching through what appeared to be an art gallery. There was one picture that made her curious. It was of two people. One was female and had a big smile on her face. The other was a man, he was more serious looking but there was a gleam in his eye and a glimmer of a smile on his face. The photo was in black and white and something about it made Mikah feel like she should know what it was. Then she saw something. The woman's hair seemed to float and the man's hair was waving in the wind. It was the people from the museum.
I'll probably be posting this story once or twice every day until I have no more chapters but I don't think anyone really cares cause no one reads this but oh well! Anyways, if you're actually reading this, please vote for it and comment! Thanks!

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