Chapter 32

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I . LOVE . YOU !! :) I mean all of you have so many nice things to say !! It really makes my day !! I am really grateful to everyone who has voted , commented and followed me (: That means the world to me !! I love you all so much it's hard to put it into words !! Sorry for any grammatical errors or spelling errors !! Happy new year guys !! And I hope all your wishes come true ! LOVE YA LIKE CRAZY !

PS : Everything here is what I want to happen but sadly it doesn't happen in real life :( Enjoy !!

Chapter 32


Joshua Ryan Hutcherson .

The rays of sunshine that shone through the glass doors outlined his hair , making them glow.His eyes were chocolate brown and his eye lashes were caught with one another as he blinked . Cheeks slightly painted a shade of rosy red and his lips were formed into a small smirk hanging on the side of his mouth . His mouth . His jaw perfectly arched , leading down to his built chest . The tight white shirt wrapped his abs perfectly . They seemed to intensify as he made his way to me .

"Jen ? " he waved his hand playfully across my face as a small chuckle left his lips .

" Y-yeah I-I am f-fine . " Choking my words out , I ripped my eyes away from his luscious lips , searching for something else .

" Alright , I guess ? Hey Sam ! Jena ! " he ginned as the two of them came into sight .

Keepng my eyes away from him , I starred at Jena instead , offering a smile once in a while .What the hell happened to the confidence I had just a few moments ago ?

" Alright let's board the plane guys ! " Francis yelled and we made a beeline to the entrance .

The private plane was huge . I quickly took my seat at the back , leaving an empty seat beside mine.Plunging on my seat , I heaved a sigh as I tried to slow down my heartbeat .

" Hey , can I sit here ? " Josh asks as he gesturing the seat .

" O-of c-course ! " I replied too enthusiastically . What was with me and stuttering lately ?Ugh !

Eyeing me weirdly , he took his seat .

" Jenny are you sure you are alright ? You seem ... nervous ? " Raising an eyebrow, he stared into my eyes .

That did not help at all .

" Y-yes ! I a-am alright . I-I really a-am a-alright ! " Stammering like an idiot again! Talk normally !

He clearly didn't believe me as he took my hands in his . Electricity rippled through my body , sending shivers around .

" You can tell me anything , you know ? " he told me with so much affirmation .

Nodding my head frantically , he gave me a small smile before turning away to the others . Minutes before the plane flew , a buzz came from his pocket . I knew it wasen't right but I couldn't resist the urge to look .

Andre :She said be safe , she lives you and can't wait for you to get home .

Josh : Oh okay thanks ! Tell her I love her too

Andre : Alright ! Enjoy your trip !

Josh : Thanks buddy !

Andre : No problem

My head snapped back to my seat as he shut his phone . Turning my head out to the window , I tried to act as if nothing had happened as I watched a few planes take off . Before my mind could even take a break , new sets of questions came again . Who is she ? Why did Josh say he loves her ? Who's Andre ? Is he dating someone else ?

No it can't be .

He said he loved me . He said he will wait for me . I don't understand .

Furrowing my brow , I shook my head , attempting to get the thoughts out of my head . Like that would help .My mind continued to roam .

I wouldn't blame him if he loved someone else . He deserved someone better . Someone who will not hurt him like how I did . But how could I let him go ? I loved him too much . I was t

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