Chapter 35

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Thanks so much for your patients guys !!:) I really appreciate it !! Please continue to vote , comment and follow me and please tell those Joshifer Shippers about this story !! HAHA LOL (: Camp was alright but my phone was kept away so I couldn't write :( I was itching to write all day  ( Sigh ) But anyways , please keep the comments coming in !! I really look forward to reading them and as you'll know , I'll always reply :) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 

PS : Things that are stated here are from my head and it's not real but still a girl can dream ! Enjoy

Chapter 35

Jen POV 

I pulled apart my eyelids and peered through my eyelashes . My vision was blurred but soon regained it's usual sharpness . Rubbing my eyes , I yawned as I stretched my back . Hopping to the washroom , I got on my coat and skinny jeans before putting my shades on . Turning on the phone , I stared at the time . 6 : 45 am . Wow .Since when was I on time . Shrugging , I tried to push the nervousness expanding in me back . Today was the first day of shooting , also the day I told Josh the truth .

How was I going to do that ? 

" Ugh ! Shut up ! " I yelled at myself . Oh my god . I must be mental .

With a thud , I turned away from the door and headed to the lift . Each move I make only ended up with my heart beating even faster . My palms were sweaty and my legs were wobbly . I couldn't take it .Damn . 

The door split opened , revealing some of the crew there .

Francis , the camera men , the make up artist , Jena , Sam .

Letting out the breath I had held within me , I walked towards the group . 

" Oh isn't it Ms Jennifer Lawrence ! " Sam smiled flirtatiously .

" Yes yes it sure is ! " I made a face back .

" So you ready ? " Jena sang , giving me an encouraging smile .

" I guess so , I have memorized the script , pretty much- " I started ranting .

" No ! No ! I meant about him . " Josh . His named cleared everything that was clouding my head earlier .

Shit .

" Hey guys ! " 

Raising my head , I stared into his now blue eyes . Holding his gaze , he turned to me . His usual grin was gone and now was replaced by a thin line . I didn't like it . But the worst part was I did it . I made that change in him . The thumping of my heart slowed as it squeezed . My hands seemed to have a mind of it's own as I sewn my fingers with his . Reality hit me when Francis voice jolted me . 

" Alright ! So the same as the previous movie , Jen , Josh , Sam , Jena , you guys will share a trailer.. " he was going on but my mind shut him out . I was hyper aware of his skin against mine . At first I fearing he will pull away but yet he did the opposite . Tightening my grip on his hand , I took in a deep breath . 

Once Francis finished his set of instructions , a low voice filled my ear . 

" Jen ? " It was full of doubt and questioning . 

" Don't . No . " I shut him up before he could ask any further .

The trailors arrived and we made a beeline for it .Dragging Josh behind me , I got to a comfortable corner before letting his hand go . Guessing we needed privacy , Jena and Sam walked to the very end of the trailer and hid themselves away from us . 

Digging out the last bit of confidence I had in me , I turned around .

" J-Josh ... " Oh stop stammering !

" Are you gonna tell me what was that about ? " he asked in a flat tone .

" I - I - alright . Josh I love you . I know you like someone else but it does't matter , I just needed you to know . I'm so sorry I yelled at you last night , I was just really , jumpy I guess . I am sorry ." I blurted out all that was in my head the past few days . But that didn't stop my voice from cracking several times . My eyes were glued to my feet , heat soaring to my cheeks at an alarming speed .

Silence . 

There was no reply . No movement from him .Shit .Rejection and hurt overwhelmed me and soon my legs and arms gave out . I reached for the window for support as I stumbled back . Slow moving pearl shaped tears were flowing down my reddened eyes .

" Look , I said I am sorry ... I really am ! " I felt like an idiot . 

Footsteps were getting louder and louder and before I knew it , a familiar pair of hands wrapped my waist . Trying not to think too much into it , I allowed the tears to pour .His hand moved to my chin ad lifted my head up , leaving my eyes staring dead straight into his . I felt like crumbling into bits . My heart was already shattered . It couldn't get any worst . 

Then those lips that I longed for ,met mine . They captured mine and moved together with mine . My heart was thrumming really hard and fast , hammering my chest , causing my rib cage to vibrate . My hands led themselves to his neck , running my fingers through his hair . The soft pair of hands , wrapped around my waist firmly , leaving no space between us .My breath was mixed with his . Time stopped . Everything was unmoving and it was like it was only him and I in that world . That little world of ours . We were one . I liked that . Both pulling away , I looked into his eyes . For a moment , it was like I could see all of him . Every secret inside . Every amount of love shown to me .

This is my Josh .

" Jennifer Lawrence , I could never love anyone more than how much I love you . " he whispered and kept his hands dead locked on my hips .

" Then who was that ? She said she loved you and wanted you to ... " I stopped myself , confusion swept me .

" What do you mean ? "

" She was talking to you through Andre ... " I muttered and tore my eyes away from him .

He remained silent . Furrowing his brow , scanning through his thoughts and it seemed like he understood . A huge grin cracked on his lips and revealed his pearly teeth . That confused me even more . Frowning harder , I looked at him again , raising an eyebrow instead this time . A chortle was escaping his mouth . But he tried to hold it in .

" Jen , " he paused as another chuckle escaped ." That was my mom . "

My jaw fell open as the information settles in . His mom ? My cheeks were red beet . Shit ! Damn it !

" Oh . " I let out a shaky laugh .

" Yes it's my mom ... " he replied with the widest grin on his face .

" Ha. " my voice was shaky . 

" But if that actually cause Jen to feel jealous , I don't mind !" he teased as my face goes red again .

Rolling my eyes , I punched his shoulder . Taking this opportunity , he grabbed hold of my hand . 

" I love you really , I do . " he whispered . 

" I love you too , I always have . " I grinned and placed my lips on his again .

 End of the chapter :) Like it !! Please continue to comment and vote and follow me !! Your commets really make my day :) Ok LOVE YOU ALL

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