Dear Alexander

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Dear Alexander,

There has been something going on that I don't know about. I have heard rumors that you have been doing something behind my back. My dear Alexander, I truly want to trust you, but I believe that you should be sharing more with me. I have loved you for so long now. I have loved you since we were promised to each other. The ring on my left hand is a symbol of our love. If you are doing something ambitious behind my back, what does that ring mean to you? Anything? Am I anything to you? Alexander, I think that you need to think before you do something scandalous. I am begging you to be honest with me as I have with you. I still trust you, Alex, for now. Don't ruin this trust. You have been one of the most amazing people in my life. Don't throw this love away. Don't let this special thing that we have had for so long go to waste. Please, don't let me loose faith in you, Alexander.

Sincerely, Your Wife and Love,

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