Dear Deranged Maniac

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Dear Deranged Maniac,

I think you've taken this too far. It has been about 4 months, not three since I've last seen you. It's James's. And even if it was my child, I do not have the time to visit you. I will not accept this probably wretched killer human as mine. This is the last straw. I am done with you. I don't even believe you, Maria. I have always felt that you have been somewhat disreputable towards me. You are quite the shady woman, if I do say so myself. I cannot surround myself with an idiot who thinks they can control me like you. Your husband can find a new job, or it looks like you'll be stuck living in a an alley with a horde of rats. You act like a rabid pack animal sometimes, Reynolds. You look at me like I'm a piece of cake or something when I'm with you. I don't want to live two lives anymore Maria! I'm going back to Eliza and the kids, and if I ever have to deal with a woman like you again, she's gone as soon as she comes to my door. Now, it's that time that I talked about before. Nobody needs to know.


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