Dear Mr. Hamilton

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Dear Mr. Hamilton,

So, you did come to confess. I've already taken it that your wife isn't taking it well. Hm. Too bad. It really is your fault and I still don't believe that someone like you would do such a terrible thing. I hope that you come to your senses. And really, what do you think that Washington would've had to say about this? Or Lafayette? General Lee? Mulligan? Anyone? Even I wouldn't have thought that you would have done something so terrible. And your poor wife?! Were you not in your right mind when you did it?! Or when you kept coming back for more?! Eliza and your kids deserve better. During our meetings and debates, you acted like you were the smartest and most important man in the room. Why did you do this? These actions showed that you're no more than a d**che. And you've given politicians that may go against you an upperhand. How could you have been so utterly stupid?! What the *ell were you thinking?! Were you drunk or something? Eliza has come to me for help on how to burn you alive. You're lucky I haven't given her any matches and you location yet. And Hamilton, when someone asks me who I'd choose between you and anyone, I would've chosen you. But after these recent, surprising and infuriation events, I think that I should re-think my candidates.

    Thomas Jefferson

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