Dear Angelica

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Dear Angelica,

I slap pigs. I also eat them, because I want to be an overweight woman. Probably around 360 pounds is good for me. I also ate my dog a couple minutes ago. It didn't settle very well... Would you like to help me eat my cat? She is awfully fat. I have a quick question you might not like, but can I go eat Eliza. She's been through an awful lot and I think she needs to be put out of her misery. She deserves a break from this madness, IN MY STOMACH. Don't worry, I'll give her back when I'm done. If not, can I eat a mutilated version of Philip? I'll rip off one of his arms so he can live...


A/n- okay, this is really a weird one. I didn't write it!! And I don't know that my friends wrote it until like ten minutes ago. I found out because I was going though our revisions on our google doc because I'm bored and I saw it. And died from laughing. They made Peggy an insane maniac!!

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