Chapter 5: Love at First Sight.

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(This Chapter is for my best friend who is sick and hasn't been to school for 2 days, its really short, but i didnt have much time so sorry)

(Piper's P.O.V.)

      I woke up, and that's when I realized I had fallen asleep with Alex right next to me. I smiled to my self and shifted slightly. This caused Alex to look up and blink sleepily. When he realized he had fallen asleep he slowly got up and stretched.

       "So Piper," he turned to look at me. "Mind introducing me to your friends?" I nodded enthusiasticly, all the sleepiness had drained out of me. I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards Jacob, who was sleeping with his weird scarf over his mouth and a random tie that was tied around his forehead.

                      I kneeled down and tapped his shoulder. He groaned and murmered something. "Well, this is Jacob." then Before ge could respond, I dragged him towards Ryan, who was sleeping with his back against the wall of the alley. "This is Ryan." Alex nodded and I dragged him over to Mathew, Lane, Alexa, Izabel, Katy, Lily, Amelia, Caleb, and everyone else in the weird squad.

 (To be continued later)

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