stiles and derek

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In the beginning of January Derek and stiles have been becoming really close. The pack starts to notice the little things that they do and they make a pack to try and get them officially together. Knowing that it will be hard they choose Lydia the smart one to think of the plan. But what happens when it turns out to be a sad ending for both of them or will it.

Day 1
As the pack comes back from school and enters the remodeled Hale house they see that stiles and Derek are cuddling and spooning on the couch while Annabelle was playing. They smile and awe at the sight because they know they love each other but they don't know why they are being to stubborn and just call themselves official. They act and argue like a couple. That's when Lydia pulls the pack outside and away so Derek won't hear them.

Lydia's p.o.v.

So as we walk in and see the cute couple cuddling I finally realize how to make those two admit they have feelings for each other. So the pack and I got away and I tell them the plan.
1) start ordering flowers and chocolate and sign Derek name and stiles name and send to the opposite.
2) have a pack meeting and then we all cancel without telling the alpha and his mate.
3) have stiles get sick by having someone sick sneeze on him and see what Derek does.
4) give them their space and their freedom for each other
5) when stiles wants to hangout ignore him or act busy with someone else.
6) since stiles birthday is coming up and he goes to his mom's grave tell Derek and have him go and comfort him.

Everyone looks at Lydia thinking that it wouldn't work but then again it's Derek and stiles. So the next day comes around and they send out the flowers and chocolate to Derek and stiles.

Derek p.o.v.

I wake up seeing me and stiles cuddling and I smile to myself knowing that I like no love this kid but I don't have the guts to prove it to him. I wake him up and make me and him a little lunch before he has to head home. I say goodbye to stiles and he looks like he doesnt want to leave but I tell him that his dad will start to worry about him. So he leaves saying that he'll see me tomorrow.

Next day still Derek pov

I wake up and seeing that it's 10a.m and someone is knocking at my door. As I open the door and see that there's a guy holding flowers and chocolate with a card he has me sign and read the card.
To:My Sourwolf

To my Sourwolf there comes a time in my life where I wonder where have you been all my life. I've been hiding my feelings from you and although you scare me I just wanted to say will you be mine. S

Derek smiles after reading the letter he knows stiles cares but didn't know that he liked Derek. He keeps staring at the card smiling because in reality Derek never received a card with so much caring.

Stiles pov

I wake up and my dad says that I had flowers and chocolate waiting for me. I jump up wanting to see if he was lying just so that I could get up. I run down and see that there are really flowers and chocolate and with a card.
To:my human

Stiles even though that I may be mean and hurtful towards you I just want you to know that I haven't met anyone like you and would like to let you know that your the only person that has my heart and I would love for you to be mine. D

Stiles smiles knowing that Derek probably sent one to everyone in the pack with a lovely message. He gets ready and starts to go to school. As he arrives he sees the pack and Scott says that there was a pack meeting after school @5. Stiles carries in with his day until he sees Danny and he doesnt look good and when stiles decided to see how he's doing Danny coughs and sneezes on stiles. Stiles being on to never get sick runs to the restroom and tried to get clean. After washing his face and hands he feels ok. The day went on and stiles is getting bored and just wants school to end so he can go see Derek. At the end of school stiles feels a little sick but shakes it off and heads to the Hale house. Stiles arrive and knocks on the door and wait for an answer. He wants to ask Derek about the gifts but gonna wait until he brings it up if he doesnt then he don't care.

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