new year (sterek)

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Since its new year I'm gonna do a new year's one. Allison alive and so are Peter, Laura, Derek's family, twins.

So the whole pack is at the loft for the new year's. Everyone is having fun and they are all together as a whole pack. While Derek mom and the other adults are cooking the food the pack is outside doing fireworks or just by the fire outside. Stiles is sitting on a log roasting marshmallows all alone. Scott's with Allison kissing and hugging. Lydia with Parrish. Laura with Aiden. Danny with Ethan. Cora with Jackson. Inside its Derek's mom and his dad. Stiles dad and Melissa. And we see argent and Peter sneaking around. So everyone has somebody except for Derek and stiles. It's been a rough year for the pack especially stiles they defeated the nogitusne but he blames himself for everything that happen good thing Allison took the bite to save her. So he feels like he shouldn't be in the pack at all. Derek goes and sits with stiles bringing chocolate and cookies for s'mores. Stiles smiles and takes them from Derek and makes himself one and Derek one. Stiles ask Derek why isn't his girlfriend there with him. But what stiles doesn't know is that they broke up cause she started talking smack about stiles and Derek has feelings for stiles like alot of love and trust in him. Stiles likes Derek but is scared to tell him. Stiles never been in love and is scared of being rejected by the big bad wolf.
The parents come out and say that the foods almost done they made menudo and heated up the tamales and other food for them to eat. Stiles was reaching for a plate when Derek gives him a plate full of food and stiles blushes and thanks him. Everyone notices that Derek and stiles have been getting closer and they vowed to get them together. So they made sure they sat next to each other. Stiles and Derek smiles and kept talking to each other as if they were the only ones there. When stiles and Derek finished Derek took their plates and got both of them Something to drink he also got stiles a Reese's. They both end up going back outside to sit by the fire. Derek brought a small blanket cause he knew stiles would get cold. They snuggles up to each other both blushing really bad and made it noticeable. When the rest of the pack comes outside they decided to tell memories of the year before it ended. Scott remembers saving stiles from the nogitusne and helping bring his brother back. Lydia remember the time she almost lost Allison and happy that she still there. Jackson remembers coming back and knowing he still apart of the pack and family. The twins are happy they have a new pack and there hasn't been a threat. Danny's happy he's finally found someone to love. Derek's family is happy that everyone's found love and peace. Sheriff  and Melissa are proud that they are now a happy couple. Derek and stiles don't say what their happy for but everyone kinda thinks their secretly together.
Everyone sees that Kate is coming over and sits with everyone and especially next to Derek. She gets real snuggly and places a kiss on Derek's lips and starts to make out with him and stiles starts getting mad and tears up and leaves inside. Derek shoves her off and tells her never to do it again and she says why and he bares his teeth and about to go at her when he hears stiles crying and takes off to him. Everyone in the pack including argent says that Kate isn't allowed there anymore. Derek runs up the stair and notices stiles in his room crying on the bed and goes to him and calms him down and takes him back downstairs to the party. As 12 nears everyone knows who their kissing and Derek is hoping to kiss stiles but let's see if everything goes OK. He's gonna be coming out in front of the whole pack and not sure of what they are going to say. As they start to count down stiles sits and roast his marshmallows and sips his soda. 5seconds and Derek is marching to stiles and stiles stands up to leave and Derek grabs his arm and exactly at 12 places his lips on top of stiles lips. Stiles wide eyed and shocked kisses back and they are in full make out time. Everyone is kissing and looks at the two and is very happy for them they deserve the love. They have to cough and clear their throat as Derek and stiles kiss gets more heated and they hear and pull away smiling and Derek says that he's been in love with stiles and that he will always have his heart and is great fun for an amazing time and family. He confessed that stiles is his mate and they mate for life. Stiles still shocked says that he's been in love with Derek since the first day he say him on the property looking for scotts inhaler. They kiss again and they hear claps and they leave to Derek's room and have the night of their life. Derek and everyone is glad that the rooms are soundproof so you can't hear anything even if you have werewolf hearing. They made love constantly and sealed the deal with the mates mark. They finally found love and peace with each other and happy. Stiles also realized that he can carry kids no matter what sex you are. An alpha can get his mate pregnant.

60 years pass by and they both are surrounded by their kids and grandkids. With their friends as they know that stiles and Derek might soon pass away from broken heart. Derek and stiles share one last kiss and hugs from everyone and Derek's the first one to go and stiles goes five minutes later. Everyone cried for their alpha pair and as they say mom and dad. They were together again In a better life and just enjoying each other until they saw everyone again soon.

Stiles passed at 78
Derek passed at 84

True love never dies it only gets stronger

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