Chapter 5

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By the next day we moved in with my grandmother. We had to leave most of our stuffs behind because of space but i didn't mind because they were old anyways. We could always get some from my cousins and aunts.

They treated us like animals. Especially because mom wasn't working. Grandma warned her that if she didn't get a job soon we would be on the streets. Mom  wasted no time in searching for a job but it was not easy mostly because she didn't have much qualifications .

We moved into the new apartment. It was small and a bit uncomfortable. We settled in one of the rooms but we had to share bathroom and kitchen. The landlord seemed like a nice man, or so I thought.

While searching mom met a lady that was seeking a house keeper; it was out of hef comfort zone but she couldn't afford to be turning down any oppourtunity.

She worked and saved until we could finally rent somewhere else unlike the first one it was smaller and less covinient. One night while mom was at work i was there putting my sister to bed when the  landlord called me out to disscuss something about our room. Since mom was out i felt like i was old enough to hear what he had to say and pass on the message to mom bit it went another way. I stepped out of my room and he told me to close my door so i don't wake my sister and i did because he seemed like someone who would protect me instaed of hurt me but i was wrong.

He asked me to step into his room for something i knew it seemed strange but i went anyways . Upon entering his room he closed the door behind him and as i looked around i saw three men who later violated me. They  began rubbing their hands all over me this  brought back my worst memory. Next thing I know I was held down on a bed by the three men with my mouth covered, so no one could hear me screaming. I was raped and beaten. I tried to fight my way out but it was no use.

Neither one of them used a condom, and one of them discharged inside of me. I rushed to the bathroom to take a shower after they were finish and told me i could go. I didn't want to touch myself. I was sp disgusted by my own body i wanted to die. After I finished taking a long bath, i went back to my room crying.

I was later threatened that if I spoke about what happened i would be killed. I was afraid to tell my mom because I didn't want him to hurt us and I was ashamed of what happened so kept it to myself .

Every day I had to face him, while he laughed in my face knowing what he did. My cup was finally full I couldn't take it anymore so I called my best friend and told her and she informed my mom immediately. Sweat ran down my face as i tried to figure out my moms reaction.


IT'S OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY  (Currently Being Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora