Chapter 24

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It so happened that the court case was drawn out long enough  until I had my beautiful baby girl. I was guilty and charged with attempt to murder. My husband had survived and he testified against me. I spent eight years in prison.

When I got back home I lived with my fiance troy and my daughter paisley. I missed out eight years of her life but I didn't plan on missing out anymore.

I ran into Nathan a couple of times he was happily married to our old consular. They had three beautiful kids, one son and two daughters. I now know that we just weren't meant for each other. I became a consular for my community and dealt with similar problem everyday.

I would advice them that if  they're seeing someone who doesn't seem right for them, they shouldn't wait until either one of them hurt each other, move on because happiness doesn't come around that often it like a fruit it has its season.

No matter the circumstance or what you've been through. Never settle for less. Always strive for more. No one should live in misery because they've made a couple mistake.

If your partner can't learn to accept your past, present they won't accept your future. So there can never be a future with that individual. Find someone who understand you and you understand them.

I encouraged the parents to try there best and have a good relationship with their children. I wasn't very close to my mom. I didn't feel comfortable telling her most things.

Troy never left me to deal with anything on my own he was always there for me no matter the situation we faced it together. We motivated each other in every way we could. He brought out the best in me and I did the same for him.

Because I couldn't talk to my mom this led me deal with things on my own and how I felt it would be best dealt with. I told them to let their children know how feels to be loved no matter what and they'll carry that understanding with them through out there life.

They'll never settle for less. Pray with and for them and most of all remember that what ever you do around them is just another lesson to them.

I was finally happy because I finally understood the meaning of love. I never left out Jesus I put him first in everything I did. Before I didn't respect my body because it was violated but I wasn't going to get another one so I had to take care of it.

Many people try to get me down, if only they knew that I've gone through way worse than that so they're going to have to try harder. My walls or stronger than before and nothing can break them.

IT'S OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY  (Currently Being Editing)Where stories live. Discover now