Chaptet 34

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The next day I told him I wasn't feeling well so I was going to stay home. The minute he walked through the door I took up my phone, walking in circles. I didn't know who to call and tell about it.

I couldn't report him because I didn't have enough evidence. I went back in his room he must have had something more I could use.

I searched and searched and searched but nothing so I began watching some CD's. They were all sex tape except for five. He was taping a man for a entire week, seeing where he goes and what he does.

This still wasn't enough to show that he wanted to kill that man. I didn't want to follow him around because my husband was smarter than i thought. Then I remembered that he never normally left his down open.

He knew I was on to him. I came out and went for my usual walk by the beach. I sat there thinking how did I get in a messy situation again.

Tears filled my eyes as I saw a couple with there two little daughter, walking and laughing. They seemed very happy, that's all I wanted but maybe they were pretending.

These days everyone is a suspect. They put on a good act and a decent smile and lead you to believe that they're nice before their dark side comes out.

IT'S OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY  (Currently Being Editing)Where stories live. Discover now