4 months later ..

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Princeton POV :

Life has been great me and Yn are getting married next year on my birthday . #TU

Yn - Auri stop crying dangg .. *feeding Auri*

Auri - *grabs your boob and pulls your shirt down*

Princeton - I guess she like your breast milk ... it sure do taste good to me ...

Yn - really jacob .. go check on Romelo

Princeton - okay .. whatever .

Yn - *thinking* this dude got a attitude problem

Princeton - Romelo ...

He walks into the room and Romelo is sleep so he brings him to y'all room and lays him down and I got in the shower.

Yn POV :

I need to take a shower . So I went upstairs and put Auri on the bed and took off my clothes and opened the shower curtains and saw Princeton he jumped.

Princeton - Yn don't scare me like that .

Yn - sorry I didn't know you was in here so imma just wait ..

Princeton - Nooo !! Go put the babies in their cribs and come back here to papi ..

Yn - ight I got you ..

You put the babies to sleep and came back to your bathroom and saw Princeton still in the shower and got in .

Princeton - Hey mami I see you came back *winks*

Yn - I couldn't resist that sexy body . *horny look*

Princeton - I see what you want

Yn - wait til we get out the shower ..

10 mins later .....................

Yn - you ready ??

Princeton - Hell Yeah !! *picks you up and throws you on the bed*

Yn - Damn .. rough much ..

Princeton - Thats how you like it .

Yn - mhmmm *kisses him*

Princeton - *kisses back*

They have sex ..


Next Morning :

Princeton - *turns over doesnt see you* Yn !

Yn - I'm downstairs ..

Yn POV :

I was hiding cause I wanted to scare him so I waited for 10 minutes and here he comes ..

Princeton - Yn What's for br-gco by you scaring him-

Yn - *tackles him* gotcha ..

Princeton - owe you cut me *frowning (faking)*

Yn - aww lemee see

Princeton - Gotcha .

.. *pins you down on the couch*

Yn - *flicks him off*

Princeton - when .. where ... and what position ?

Yn - you nasty ...

Princeton - you too ... what's for breakfast ?

Yn - Why you asking me go eat some cereal ..

Princeton - ight I got you later

Yn - mhmmmm

Yn POV :

I went upstairs and went to get the babies and they weren't there .

Yn - Princeton !!!

Princeton - *rushes upstairs* WTF the windows open ..

Yn - *crying* ohh my phones ringing ...

Princeton - I'll go get it ...

Phone Convo :

??? - I see you don't see the babies huh ?

Princeton - I swear if I find out who you are .....

??? - you should know who I am ....

Princeton - Juam ??

Juam - Hell Yeah bitch .. and imma rape your children ..

Princeton - you sick individual ... if you touch my children imma kill you

Juam - We will see *laughing*

Yn POV :

I can't believe he took my children like he should've just took me with him but my babies nawww he is so gonna be dead .... I gotta call up my crew..

Yn - Prince !!

Princeton - huh ? *mad*

Yn - call the boys .. imma call the girls

Princeton - Ight Whatever ..

Phone Convo :

Yn - Hello

Ndaya - Hey Yn ..

Yn - come over like now .. its a emergency situation ..

Ndaya - Ight boo imma see you in 10 minutes

Joie :

Yn - Hello ?

Joie - heey Yn .. what's wrong?

Yn - Come over now ...

Joie - okay I'm coming .


When everyone was there you and Princeton told them everything and then Roc came up with an idea ...

Roc - We can all dress as teenage mutant ninja turtles and be like *starts singing*,teenage mutant ninja turtles ayee

Everyone ex. Roc and Joie - Wtf Roc ..

Ndaya - I see what Joie gotta deal with *laughing*

Joie - I'm used to it now ..

Ray Ray - how about me and princeton go and get them ..

Roc - what about me ?

Princeton - did you not just see wtf you just did but yeah you can come ...

They leave and you are nervous because you don't know if they will come back with the babies.

Yn - what if my babies are gone .. would if I can't get them back .. I might as well just kill myself

Joie - noo Yn don't even talk  like that they are gonna come back with the babies and kill that jerk ass dude Juam ..

Ndaya - If I was there he would be dead no lie ..

Yn - let's change the subject ..

Ndaya - soo how is your relashionships ?

Joie - it's good well except Roc's weirdness but its interesting .. but i hope he propose

Yn - awww get it boo

Ndaya - Mine is okay I mean since that incident when my brother threatened him he ain't cheat on me ever since and we good and all and he good in b-gco by Joie-

Joie - Ndaya TMI !

Ndaya - well anyways how's yours Yn ..

Yn - Its wonderful and imma be real with y'all it is the freakiest relationship I have ever been in but I gotta love him .. except the fact that bitchy ass ex took my 4 month year old twins but I'm good

Ndaya - damn .. well let's watch a movie ..

Joie and Yn - All Around The World !

Ndaya - We see them motherfuckers everyday naww let's watch pitch perfect .

Yn - ight whatever ..

Y'all watch the movie and y'all fall asleep.

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