Bad Decision.

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I woke up to the door bell ringing .. I'm thinking in my head who tf is this at my door at 3:00 am but when got to the door it was ... Arielle.

Yn - *worried* what's wrong? Why are you here so late ?

Arielle - *crying* my dad and my mom

Yn - what happened ? *sits on the couch*

Arielle - apparently mom was worried about dad being late to get home and when he got there he threatened to hit her and make her go to sleep and then I was worried so I went downstairs and he said go back to sleep hoe and I denied it and he accused me of sleeping with Romelo and then I left . *crying*

Yn - he need to stop drinking he is doing too much and I don't know why Ndaya puts up with this ...

Arielle - *crying* I just don't want to go back

Yn - you can stay here okay

Arielle - thanks aunt yn

Yn - welcome .. Go to the guest room and get some rest we will figure this out in the morning .

Y'all go to sleep and in the morning you tell everyone and they are worried .

Arielle POV

I need to talk to Romelo ..

Arielle - *goes in his room* Hello ?

Romelo - hey Arielle ... Come next to Papi ..

Arielle - *laughing* your funny but did you hear about my dad ..

Romelo - yeah that sad and your not a hoe at all and why would he assume that we slept together

Arielle - maybe because I spend the night over here all the time and I sleep in your bed most of the time and he is just a asshole

Romelo - truee but I would never take advantage of you like that your my wife ..

Arielle - *blushing*

Romelo - *singing* meet me at the alter with your white dress .. We ain't getting no younger we might as well do it ... lets get married

Yn and Princeton - *standing at the door* awwww

Romelo - *embarrassed*

Princeton - you can sing Melo ..

Arielle - I have been telling him that but he thinks it kind of gay .

Yn - no it's not because your dad sure is not gay *bitting her lip*

Romelo - TMI ...

Princeton - we are going out .. We will be back by like 6 .. And we are going to check up on your mom so be ready and tell Auri when she gets back from the store .

Arielle - okay

Yn - don't do nothing nasty while we gone

Romelo - bye mom and dad ...

They leave and Auri comes back.

Auri - hey zaddy

Arielle - hey Mami

Romelo - this is some lesbian type ishh ...

Auri - you guys guess what I got ...

Arielle - hookah

Romelo - I don't think we should ... It says it had weed in it and mom would be mad

Arielle - I'm in ...

Romelo - We Sure are making a BAD DECISION !


When we got home and opened the door it smelled like straight up weed .. I was way pass furious

Yn - who the fuck smoking in my damn house ?

Princeton - calm down .... Romelo Auri Arielle !

Auri - what ?

Yn - have y'all been smoking ?

Arielle - ummmmm ...

Princeton - we will sit here all night ...

Yn - one of y'all gonna tell me and who checked up on Justice ?

Romelo - ohh shit

Yn - what you just say boy and watch your mouth before I knock some since into that big ass head of yours

Arielle - *laughing*

Princeton - why you laughing you guilty too

Yn - let's just give them a drug test .

Y'all give them a drug test ..

Yn - y'all di-cliffhanger-

Did they past the drug test ?

Sneek Peek :

Yn - why guys why ?

With Ray and Ndaya ....

Ndaya - I'm sick and tired of this shit like you got to go ..

Ray Ray - I'm just going to rehab to get myself together

With Joie an Roc :

Joie : Chresanto !

Roc - huh ?

Joie - who is this bitch texting you ?

Roc - ummm ......

Lover Boy (Yn and Princeton Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin