5 Months Later

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These last five months have been wonderful. I have my daughter back and our girl group is bigger than ever. The boys go on tour in a couple days and guess what ....... Ndaya's pregnant.

Auri - mom ! *yelling from upstairs*

Yn - What ! 

Auri - can I go to arielle's house ?

Yn - yesss but be back by 5 we are going out to eat with some people you might like.

Auri - okayy bye mom 

Romelo - can i go ? 

Auri - yeahh whatever 

Romelo POV

I can't wait to see arielle ..

At Arielle's House :

Auri - Hey uncle Ray 

Ray Ray - Hey Gurll 

Romelo - don't ever say that again *laughing*

Arielle - I'm ready ..

They leave and go to the mall.

Back With Princeton and Yn :

Princeton - baby Justice needs to be changed .

Yn - changed her then *laughing*

Princeton - no she stinks ... *holding her up*

Yn - okay half nigga .. let me get out the bathroom. 

Princeton - okayyyy

Yn - don't go in the bathroom or I will kill you .... *laughing*

Princeton - whatever.

You go change Justice and when you get back the bathroom door is locked and guess who is in it.

Yn - princeton your gonna get hit if you don't open this door in the next 10 seconds *laughing*

Princeton - *comes out the bathroom with only towel*

Yn - ummm

Princeton - you want to go to the mall ?

Yn - yeah since its going to be the last time I see you for 3 months *pouting*

Princeton - its going to be okay .. go get dressed

Yn - let's drop Justice off with Ndaya

Princeton - okayy

Everyone gets dressed and yall drop Justice off and go to the mall.

Yn - why are we in a bikini store when we live in New York and its cold ?

Princeton - because your going on a 3 month vacation .

Yn - you mean the tour ?

Princeton - yess and you and the girls are in it .

Yn - i guess my dreams have been answered.

Later At Dinner With The Crew :

Roc - I guess everyone is going on the tour except the kids.

Yn - yeahh they can stay here and watch Justice.

Ndaya - If I find out there is another boy in my house other than Romelo all of yall will get cut

Ray Ray - Ndaya chill ..

Princeton - sooo ... whats going on with Romelo and Arielle ?

Yn - i wonder 

Arielle - we are good ... *smirking*

Yn - that reminds me of me and Princeton *crying* my baby is growing up 

Auri - I guess I'm the lonely one.

Joie - no your not Faith is lonely too *laughing*

Everyone ex. Faith - *laughing*

Faith - thats not funny

Roc - you better be lonely ....

Auri - I'm glad to be back with all of you

Roc - we are too

Auri - i have something to tell you guys 

Yn - what ? 

Auri - me and Arielle can umm singg.

Joie - ohh really ?

Ndaya - we can figure something out 

Yn - yeah we sure can ..

Everyone eats and goes home and something bad happens.

Ndaya - *worried because Ray isn't home yet*

Ray Ray - *walks in drunk* bitch why you aint sleep ?

Ndaya - im not a bitch !

Ray Ray - go to sleep or im going to hit you and make you go to sleep ..

Arielle - whats going on ?

Ray Ray - go to sleep hoe ..

Arielle- Im not a hoe .. you are because you cheated on mom 

Ray Ray - you probably slept with Romelo ..

Arielle - no im a complete virgin ..

Ray Ray - gtfo ! 

Arielle - i will and dont expect me to come back .. *leaves*

Arielle POV 

Im going over Aunt Yn's house i cant take this anymore Im just done.

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