Chapter 1

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This story is completely made up so some events will have no corralation to the anime/Manga

The video above each chapter will set the theme, so I recommend watching them :) they are usually only 7 seconds long.


My knees hit the ground painfully, but I barely felt them bruise as my body follows next.

The breath is knocked out of me and I can't regain it.

Am I dying?

My hands are slick with blood.

Is it my own? I can't remember.

I want to roll onto my back but my limbs won't obey, they tremble next to me then stop all together.

I feel oddly calm, like a small film layer is laying over my true emotions.

My eyes are open but they aren't moving, what am I looking at?

I blink and reality slams back into me like a train.

I'm looking at the sky, but I thought I landed on my stomach?

I blink again, my eyelids heavy.

"Yaboku you idiot, getting yourself into stupid situations.." I hear my father's voice... he seems oddly panicked.

"Get away from him!"

There's a clang of steel on steel.

A sudden pressure is applied to my stomach but I feel no pain.

"Yato... Yato look at me" I can't focus "Yato please..."

I blink halfway, it's starting to get harder to open them.

There are many different voices talking at once, my mind is swirling in confusion.

I open my mouth to try and speak but only trickles of blood come out.

"I...." my voice gurgles, it's almost small and raspy.

"Don't talk you'll only worsen yourself"


She sounds scared, that's a first.

A small smile makes its way onto my face suprisingly "I'm.... dying aren't I?" My blood stained hand is gripped tightly by an unknown one.

"No, no you aren't, it's just a small scratch"


I cough and my rib cage rattles as if I've aged a thousand years in one moment.

My eyes start to droop. I am so tired.

My uneven breaths start to slow.

"Yato?" A small voice quivers "Please don't close your eyes, don't do this!"

My hearing starts to fade and everyone's panic turns into a hum.

"I'm...." I loose my train of thought ".....Sorry"

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