Chapter 3

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I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly as Tenjin laughed obnoxiously.

The cup in my hand was warm, un-cramping my fingers from the cold.

The Tea inside of it was just a bonus.

"It's not that funny" I snort throwing down my cards that rested in my other hand.

"You really do have the worst luck" he smiles at me, setting down his own set.

I shake my head masking my own smile.

"I give up, I'm definitely not losing 12 rounds in a row" I state bringing my tea up to my mouth.

Tenjin sighs happily before continuing "I've been meaning to ask, where's Yukine and Hiyori? Whenever they stop by you're never with them"

Refraining from choking on my tea I set it down calmly.

I casually rest my cheek in my palm throwing on a bored expression.

"I need a break from time to time" I shrug swirling my tea in its cup "Yukine is stuck as a teen after all"

Tenjin nods in understanding "I used to have a regalia Yukine's age" he frowns to himself "you just have to give them enough love and nurture them correctly"

knowing that the same regalia he's talking about isn't in his household any longer, it probably broke one of Tenjin's many last straws.

I shrug mostly to myself "I've been trying my best.."

and I have, the only reason I'm so secretive about where I'm headed and what I'm doing is to protect Yukine and Hiyori, hoping that they don't get involved and endanger themselves.

We both fall silent as we sit together, it's almost as if we both knew there was something left unsaid.

I bring my cup to my mouth and my lips hover over the rim, someone on the outside could tell I was pondering.

"Do you think..." I set my cup down with a deep breath and pause, wondering if I should really cross this line.

Tenjins attention turns to me and his eyebrows raise at my sudden solem expression "think what?"

I meet his eyes for only a second and I think he can see the pain behind my eyes that I can not express through words.

Tenjin has always been observant, sometimes he scares me about how well he can read my emotions.

His expression becomes blank, it's like he came to the realization that I was on the edge, about to fall into something dark.

"Do you think that if I did something..." my voice shakes only slightly "...bad... that Yukine and Hiyori would hate me?"

It took him a moment to respond, but his tone did not falter when he did.

"Yukine and Hiyori both have big hearts, but they can only take so much pain..." his eyes study my face for a moment "I think it would be wise not to include them in anything"

It wasn't the answer I wanted, but it was the one I deserved.

Nodding I look out to the dimly lit street, I shifted slightly and I decided that he already knew enough.

Tenjin didn't need to be involved in this just as much as Yukine or Hiyori did.

"I don't want you to be caught up in my problems" I look over at him genuinely "if they ask you anything you can tell the truth, I don't need you covering for me"

His expression showed me that he was greatful for that, but I could also tell that he wanted desperately to help.

But he couldn't help me, no one can, the only person who could help me is myself, and I'm not sure if I'm capable.

It made my heart warm though, that he wanted to help even though he didn't know what mess I was in.

My fingers clutched the fabric of my pants for a moment before I got up slowly.

"I think I've had enough of cards for tonight" I give him a forced smile.

But I've been forcing them so much lately that there's no difference from my real ones.

No one will be able to see my pain unless I let them see, just like I did with Tenjin.

"Will you be back tomorrow?" It was like he knew he was my support beam at the moment.

I only shrugged.

"I depends on how tonight goes" little by little he could see how deep I was in something wrong "if I don't come back, don't come looking for me"

He only nodded.

"Thanks for tonight, it helped" it was almost the full truth.

And with that I left back into the dark in which I came from, and in which my heart lies.

It seems like everything is dark as of late.

My old boots didn't make much noise on the cobble stone as I walked, I really didn't know where I was going but I knew what I was looking for.

I could feel that the two of them were in the same city as me, I just didn't know where.

It's like a game of cat and mouse.

Either I find them first or they find me.

Neither would be good, and neither would ease my pain.

Did I even know what I was finding them for?

Of course I wanted them to leave, but how would I make them?

The only way would be to take me with them, and was I really prepared to leave the life I created here?

I am prepared to do anything for Yukine and Hiyori, but I don't think I'm prepared to leave them just yet.

But maybe that is the answer to everything wrong.

Maybe if I wasn't here, everyone would be out of harms way and could go back to their lives.

I look around the dark streets as I walk them, I wasn't really looking, just drifting.

No one would know what happened if I disappeared tonight.

It's an appealing idea, to just dissapear.

Walking aimlessly around the streets in the dark is dangerous, it gives you time to think, and not all thoughts are nice.

My thoughts wander back to the two I was looking for and I was still at a loss for what to do when I did find them.

What would I say?

What would they say?

I already knew I'd be afraid.

When they would say my name chills would run down my spine.

In that moment it was like I jinxed myself.


My name being called made the hairs on my neck stand on end.

A shiver ripples down my scalp as I turn to look behind me.

I already knew who it was.

And to say I was uneasy was an understatement.

I stood face to face with them and tilted my head slightly.


An abrupt ending makes for a good cliff hanger ;)
Sorry I haven't been active lately but I'll try my best to keep updating  (even though they are quite sloppy)

Thank you for sticking around ♡

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