Chapter 2

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I felt different lately.

I didn't feel myself.

I feel as if I have two faces; the joyful one I throw up for Yukine and Hiyori, and the spiteful angered one I show behind closed doors.

Somehow I always have to much time to think, and somehow I always come to second guessing my existence.

Am I really only here to cause pain?

I mean, I want love, does that still categorize me as someone who brings pain?

Even if it's an accident or against my will?

My heart clenches in emotional pain, something it does often.

I sit from Yukine and I's window in Kofuku's house, I watch as Hiyori and Yukine throw snow at each other joyfully, unaware of my internal struggle.

My heart hurts less when I'm around them.

They are my remedy for the pain. 

Hiyori's delicate laugh echoes throughout the snow covered Sakura trees.

I can tell she makes Yukine happy too.

You can see my breath coming out in white puffs as I sit there silently.

My elbow is propped up on my knee, my cheek lay'n lazily in my palm, my blue eyes open halfway as if I'm daydreaming.

But I'm not.

I'm just tired.

They both fall down into the snow after awhile, tired from their little game.

I can't help but feel the small smile that makes its way onto my face.

Kofuku then steps out onto the smashed snow with two steaming cups.

"I made hot chocolate!" Her cheery voice echoes making the pair struggle to stand up.

I've always been close with Kofuku, she's always been by my side when I need someone and never asked questions.

I've never been able' say the word love in a long time, maybe even centuries.

But if I could say that I love someone, it'd be Kofuku in a sisterly way.

I could go to her for anything... anything but my past.

She may be a god of poverty, but even that wouldn't prepare her for the things that I have done.

They take the cups gratefully making their way back inside over Diakoku's nagging to take off their boots.

I sniff wondering if I should go down to visit, I have been distant lately with everyone making them curious to why I've been disappearing so often.

which is dangerous if they find out what I'm actually up too.

it's not like I'm doing anything bad, but if they knew I had a father they'd be curious as to why he's never around and why I insist that he stays away.

he's a snake in the grass, just waiting to strike.

let alone my sister despises my other regalia with a passion, even though I only have Yukine at the moment she wouldn't hesitate to kill him when I'm not around.

she has an odd attachment to me.

I guess it's because I destroyed her future as a regalia myself.

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