Chapter 4

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"Hey" my voice wavered slightly as I took in her appearance.

Her long blonde hair was loose and strung lazily over her shoulders, yet somehow she still looked graceful.

Bishamon and I have worked past our problems and have become closer than before, but I still become on edge whenever I catch sight of her.

We fueded for hundreds of years, it's only natural.

She was a warm sight considering who could've been calling my name.

"What are you doing out here?" She asks, her emerald eyes were still vibrant in the dark shadows.

Her stance was slightly intimidating as she perched on the ledge of a roof.

I looked at her for a long moment trying to come up with an excuse, but I couldn't find one.

She jumped down from her perch on the roof above, and that's when I noticed she didn't have her regalia with her.

I sent a shrug her way and put my hands in my pockets, I found her presence comforting yet unnerving.

"Where's your regalia?" Was her first question, she neared me as she brushed her hair behind her.

"I could ask you the same thing" was my reply, I was just trying to stall to come up with an explanation.

She blinked at me before responding "they went ahead to look for phantoms" her voice became soft.

I nodded as I looked at her, I obviously didn't have a friendly vibe as I stood in front of her with my hands clenched in my pockets.

I could feel a cold sweat breaking out on the back of my neck and I shifted uncomfortably.

"Are you okay?" Her tone surprised me, she usually had a stern and firm voice but this was gentle and filled with concern.

I locked eyes with her "yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I tried to pass it off but my answer came out strained.

She squinted a bit and I could tell what she was thinking about; was I up to something?

"You just seem a little tense... maybe... worried?" Her eyes stabbed into me and I suddenly felt nervous.

I've never underestimated Vinna, but I wasn't expecting her to know how I'm feeling, she's just not that type of person.

I shook my head and gave her a tight smile "no, I'm alright" I ran a hand through my hair "don't get soft now, Vinna"

My teasing made her expression soften "I know we weren't on good terms, but now that things are resolved you can confide in me"

Her words made my heart warm a bit, it was an odd feeling considering how dead I've felt the past few weeks.

I nodded and my dark hair fell into my eyes; from an outside perspective it would look as if I were sheepish.

We fell into a silence as she gazed at me, it was obvious that she was conflicted on whether she should press into the matter of what I was doing out here alone.

I decided to beat her to it.

If there was anyone that I should cover my tracks with, it would be Bishamon.

If she caught wind of any dangers I could potentially bring, she wouldn't hesitate to cut me down.

Bishamon and I may have reconciled and become friends, but blood comes before water.

Family before friends.

It's ironic that I do not have family, it seems as if that's the answer to why I always end up alone.

"I've had a lot on my mind lately" I started as I wiped the back of my neck, trying to get rid of the sweat building up "I've been taking walks at night to clear my head"

She then finally diverted her gaze to the surrounding area "A peculiar area to be taking a walk in, it's dangerous expecially if you don't have Yukine with you"

I winced a bit and nodded as if I understood "Yukine needs some space sometimes, I'll be fine on my own"

Her posture told me that she didn't approve of my answer, she leaned back on her heels with crossed arms.

"We both know Phantom rates have been rising, expecially in this area, you know it's reckless to be out here alone, you could be attacked" her tone was stern but it was obviously said out of concern.

I rolled my eyes throwing on a careless look "Vinna, I'll be fine, don't worry about it, I can handle myself"

A strike of irritation on her features made itself known "Yato."

The way she said my name made the hairs on my arms stand just as they did minutes before.

"If you somehow become injured and can't heal.." she paused as if wondering if she should say it "we-... We both know if you die, you won't come back"

I knew it was true, but it's one thing to know it, and another to hear someone say it.

I swallowed thickly and nodded curtly "I know" was my short answer.

"Then why risk it?" It was like we were touching the surface of something else, it was almost as if we both knew we weren't just talking about me being out at night without a regalia.

I diverted my gaze to the shadows and the beams of light coming from the moon, the dust particles from the dirty alley were visible in the light.

"What's a life without mistakes..?" I could barely hear myself, my reply was so inaudible.

An odd understanding fell upon the both of us.

We both came to the realization that I was in something that would change me, and I was trying my best to fight this pain on my own without any damage to others.

Bishamon knew that I was trying my best in the moment, she understood that I wasnt myself and the reason why would remain hidden, she understood that I was struggling.

And all it took was one sentence to let her know that I was trying my best to save myself, but most importantly others.

Her blonde hair fell into her eyes slightly as she tilted her head "my door is always open Yato, but remember that kindness can only be pushed so far."

Her words were a warning of sorts, she was making It known that she would stand by my side, but if I brought harm upon her family that I would be cast out to the wolves.

That was another thing that was always nessled in the back of my mind; even if I am someone who is important to another, I am still second best. I have no family, no one who will put me first.

I am alone. Truly alone when it comes down to it.

Yet, I accept that fate.

The only reason I exist is because of my father.

And now my purpose is to protect the ones that I love even if they do not love me back.

Maybe this is true calamity.

This chapter is sloppy and rushed, I haven't been active so I rushed to get this chapter out.
I will probably come back in next week to review and make changes before making chapter 5.

But for the people who are still here; thank you

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