Chapter 5

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I want to thank you all for sticking around! I wouldn't still be writing if it wasn't for you guys <3
Your comments make it worth it!


Nora is all that comes to mind when I think of how to find my father.

My hands shake in the cold, my boots soaking wet at this point.

I made a quick exit with Bishamon, not wanting waste a second with people who could become part of something.

I'm not even sure what this something is, but I know the hate in my heart will cause retaliation... from them and myself.

That is what a god of calamity is, a tirade of pain.

I know whatever move I make, my father will retaliate, whether its against my loved ones, or myself.

My blood runs hot at the thought of him taking what I've built.

I've built an identity, a future, a plan to become someone better... a family.

And he wants to rip it all away from me for the sake of power.

The expression on my face is one of horrifying rage, dimly being lit by the night.

This is how I know I don't belong with Hiyori, I can never be myself due to all this rage and anguish I feel.

I can't let her see, I can't let them see.

The person I show them is a fake and I can't help but think I'm two faced.

I can not care, and I will die for my dream, for Hiyori and Yukine... no matter the Yato they know.

They can think I'm angel while I'm a demon in disguise, and I will die in that image.

My father can't take that away from me, a god of calamity will always be the best at deception.

If it means dying, I will protect Hiyori and Yukine: my family.

I trudge through the snow, wondering if Nora would be the only way; it can't be and shouldn't be, that would be the worst option.

Nora would know my general location and it would be obvious I'm living with Kofuku since she actively lives in the area currently.

What's stopping her from telling my father as well?

I can't call for her, it would be too easy for them to pin me down.

I have to hunt for her.

Memories of us hunting down other children when we were kids pass my mind, and it sends a wave of nausea through me.

What makes me think this would be easy? I feel like an idiot.

I need to get away from here and call for her, I can't do this on my own.

I turn around, my breath coming out in puffs in the air.

I begin to make my way back home as my throat starts to feel tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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