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It has been seven years. Seven years since She has seen that special blonde hair, them radiating blue eyes. The girl she is with just kissed her goodbye and now Lexa was just stood frozen staring at her ex girlfriend. She looks a lot skinnier and more mature, her hair still lays in curls and her skin looks more shinier and radiant. A person barges into Lexa causing her trail of thoughts to end. She coughs and watches Clarke disappear into the ocean wave of people in the New York rush hour. Closing the door of her apartment Lexa's met with a greeting off her girlfriend.

"Hey baby, you enjoy your space?" Lucy kissed the older woman's lips and smiled,

"Yeah it was alright I guess" Lexa shrugged and placed her keys on the kitchen counter,

"Everything okay? You seem unusual" The Spanish girl half smiles,

"I'm fine. Im... going to go sleep I don't feel well" The green eyed girl kisses Lucy's head and walks away.


Weeks later Lexa hadn't stopped being puzzled about Clarke's whereabouts. She didn't know what she was working as or where she lived or any other information. She just knew Clarke was alive and well. Lexa had to have 100% focus at her games and she had maintained her focus on scoring a few times and keeping her anger sustained. Lucy took Lexa out for dinner because the lack of time spent together didn't go un-noticed by the couple. They managed to catch up on things they had missed in each other's busy lives and spent the night being intimate after a while, Lexa admitted to herself a lot of times she misses being wild and she's still too young to be settling down and living like a married woman.

"Morning gorgeous" Lucy smiled turning over to meet Lexa's green orbs,

"Good morning" She returned the smile and placed a loose piece of hair behind Lucy's ear,

"I've got class in an hour, can you drive me?",

"Why can't you drive yourself?" The older girl laughs,

"I don't think my legs are functioning properly today" Lucy winked jumping out of bed,

"Fine" Lexa groaned shoving the sheet over her face.

Nearly an hour later they were both in Lexa's matte grey Mercedes driving to Lucy's college. They stopped off to get some coffee and breakfast but arrived just in time. Lexa's decided to be a lady and walked Lucy to her class.

"Thanks for walking me baby" Lucy smiled leaning against her class door,

"Anytime babe, so I'm going to be at an away game tonight so I won't be home" Lexa smiled placing her hands on Lucy's waist,

"It's alright Lexa, I've got some studying to do" Lucy kissed her girlfriends nose and smiled.

Seconds later the bell rings and students start flooding the hallway to get to their classes.

"Have a good day, I love you" The younger girl places a kiss on Lexa's lips and walks into her class.

Lexa turns around and accidentally barges into someone sending them flying to the floor. She didn't look who it was she immediately started helping collect the sheets and pass them to the woman she knocked over. She thought those hands looked familiar, the scar on her index finger and the bracelet. Slowly looking up to already be met with those electrifying Blue orbs Lexa held her breathe.


Both faces frozen staring into each other's orbs. Breathes hitched and fingers locked onto the sheets.


Neither of them moved. Seven years of glances being exchanged and both of them weren't in a hurry to move.

"Miss are you okay!" A Blonde boy with dark brown eyes crouched down and helped Clarke up.

Lexa just coughed and lifted herself up scratching the back of her neck.

"Yes, Damian. I'll be in the class in a few minutes" Clarke professionally spoke.

The boy smiled and walked inside the classroom. Both the women locked eyes again and neither of them speaking again. Lexa placed the fallen books and sheets into the Blondes arms causing her to smile.

"Thanks" Clarke smiled,

"Uh. No problem" The Brunette replied,

"It's been a while huh?" Clarke lightly chuckled,

"Yeah, how're you doing?",

"I can't talk right now Lexa, my class is waiting" The professor nudged her papers,

"Oh" Lexa mouthed,

"Uh... How about coffee sometime?" Clarke half smiled,

"Yeah sure, here. I'll uh text you" Lexa handed a piece of paper with her number,

"Goodbye" Clarke looking into the Green forest eyes.

Lexa still stood frozen even minutes after the encounter. Her heartbeat was racing and her pulse beating. Clarke, was all that consumed her mind even more than before now.


"I don't know why I just, New York is somewhere I always wanted to go to. Then I got accepted which I thought would never happen, i thought teaching is something I'd be better at. I don't think I'd be to good at saving people's lives" Clarke discussed with Lexa.

They had decided to meet a few days later. Lexa finally built up the courage to text the blue eyed girl, now they're sat in a coffee shop on the outside of town so Lexa's not being bothered by press.

"I could've seen you being a Doctor, Doctor Clarke Griffin has a good ring to it" The Brunette chuckled sipping her cup,

"Yeah, so how did you become a soccer player? I know it was always your profession but I honestly thought you'd become a business woman or something",

"Well I just went for a kick around in the park and my dad had sent someone to watch me. And I got sponsored after a few tryouts and I just kinda went from there" The Brunette smiled.

Nothing else was said they just looked into each other's eyes for a few moments before Lexa finally backed away.

"So... you have anyone special in your life?" Lexa coughed uncomfortable with her own question,

"Not really" Clarke scrunched up her face, "I went on a few dates with this girl but I don't think that anything is honestly going to work between the two of us" Clarke bit her lip,

"I kinda seen you with a brown haired woman a few weeks ago" The Green eyes dimmed,

"Yeah. So you're dating Lucy Vives" Clarke jumped at Lexa with the question causing her to choke on her drink,

"Yup" She replied blankly.

The silence filled up again a lot with Clarke's jealousy. Another twenty minutes and the two girls finally decided to part ways. An awkward hug and a smile goodbye couldn't of ended the reunion better if they were both honest.


You're welcome😊.

-I honestly don't want to ever fall in love again. I put my heart into the person I'm with and I always get destroyed. I let people back into my life so easily. I can't fall out of love and I'm never going to find anyone like you and you're never going to find someone who loves and appreciates you like I do. No matter how much you think they love you... it'll never come close to how I feel about you. All I want to do is see that smile and them green eyes but I can't. I can't let go and I'm tearing myself apart.

Sorry I'm always in relationship drama.

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