what's up, my dudes?

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hey guys! how are you? this is head admin jaiden

now you're probably all thinking "jaiden, jaiden, jaiden. listen. we all know you're gay as shit, so why'd you make this account?"

well, you're absolutely correct! i AM gay as shit! but i actually made this account to spread awareness about all the bullshit the LGBT community has to go through. so I made all these books so we can all rant together about how we hate the fact that it's apparently not okay to be gay.

people at my school are like "psshhhh you're gay? fuck you!!" but then people on the Internet are so nice to me, BECAUSE I'm gay. what's the deal with that? I'm going to tell you.

people. people are the problem. I know PLENTY of people at my school that are gay or bi. but are they going to come out? no. you know why? the people at my school are bastards and bitches. if you come out as a lesbian, all the girls will accuse you of staring at their boobs. if you come out as gay, all the boys will accuse you of staring at their "huge" dick. what the fuck.

(quick side note, idk why the boys at my school accuse gay guys looking at their dicks. like bro, what dick? it's non-existent af)


what the fuck is up with that? hmm? honestly, gay marriage is legal in all 50 states now, and there are STILL so many close-minded people.

whatever. it's not like they'll ever change.

I'm done ranting for now, bye

     - head admin, shockingly / jaiden

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