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So I'm Meka ( mekakilu ) , one of the non-binary admins. It's probably worth noting that I use either she/her or they/them pronouns. I know being NB can be pretty difficult to understand for some, so if you have any questions don't be afraid to comment! We are all here to talk.

So how about we talk about pronouns today.

Yep the ever controversial pronouns

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Yep the ever controversial pronouns. No matter if you're cisgender or transgender, pronouns are important. We use them so often in our daily lives, that we don't take for granted their true presence. She/her ; he/him ; zie/zir ; they/them are a few of the most popular, but there are multitudes of others.

These words can really affect how others see us. Well of course that's only if we let them. But if you think about it they're really just a bunch of letters arranged in ways we can understand. So don't let it bother you. I go by she or they because I feel that "they" fits my gender identity and "she" is not only easier for others, but fits my feminine style. It's really just about finding what works for you.

If someone uses the wrong pronouns, politely correct them or maybe teach them something new. But those who downright refuse to respect your pronouns can be quite bothersome. If they keep on misgendering you after you reminding them multiple times, that's when you can start to get irritated, or simply not talk to them anymore. They aren't "friend-material" if they can't respect you.

If they're someone you can't ignore, try using the wrong pronouns when talking to and about them. But be careful that you don't take it too far if you do this. School officials may not take your side.

-Meka (mekakilu )

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