"Asexuality isn't real"

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Hello!! :3 Tis I! Your (so-far) only ace admin, Marshmallow_Writes . But call me Kayla if ya like.

I'm here to rant about how some people say asexuality isn't a real thing.

Some people honestly thing that everyone has to be sexually attracted to someone, and if they're not, they're not right in the head.

Now the people I've encountered haven't said anything, but apparently, some aces have to go through, what's called "corrective rape." Now, I'm going to spare details but it's where, people like asexuals and more popularly talked about, homosexuals get raped in an attempt to correct them to make them, straight.

To be honest, it really sucks. The fact that anyone with no sexual attraction can't live peacefully. And in some cases, people with sexual attraction to the same gender.

In an episode of Buzzfeed, they were going though this app, called Whisper. There you make anonymous confessions about whatever and once of the ace confessions were that they were afraid to tell someone that they were ace because of what they would say.

I've apparently heard some people say that asexuality is something that tumblr people made up or whatever.

It let me tell you, it's real.

I haven't had any thought about doing it with someone. Actually, I remember cringing at the definition of... it back in 3rd grade. (I got told it was two people getting naked in bed and kissing.)

But anyway, that about concludes my rant.

See ya guys!


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