"pansexuality isn't real"

352 29 16

( this is admin crayawn )

so, if any of you guys read the Pansexual Talks book, you know that we got one of these:

so, if any of you guys read the Pansexual Talks book, you know that we got one of these:

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but I'm not going to talk about that.
I'm going to talk about how a lot of people don't think pansexuality is a real thing. most of the time, when I tell people I'm pan, these are the comments i get:

• "no, no, no. you're just bisexual."
  - no, you're just close-minded.

• "are you sure you're not actually gay."
  - I've been sure since I liked one of my close friends who identified as genderqueer.

• "you're greedy! anything that's got a heartbeat, you've got to fuck!"
  - excuse me? I'm a virgin, thank you very much. and I wouldn't necessarily fuck a rabbit.

• "pansexuality isn't real. you're just too scared to admit you're gay."
  - pansexuality isn't real, my ass.

honestly, I hate it when people aren't open-minded enough to think maybe, just maybe there's a thing called Pansexual.

"Oh my gosh!! there's actually a thing where you don't care what the person identifies as, and you could be in a relationship?? wow!!"

oh my gosh!! yes, there actually is. you fucking narcissistic narrow-minded asshat.

if I didn't mention it before, I absolutely detest homophobes/people who don't think it's actually a thing.


ok, rant over.

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