a new guardian (prologue)

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Just to give you an idea of what it'll be like😋

Mark's pov.

Do you know what a guardian angel is? Well maybe you've heard of them, but do you know everything about them? Well I'll tell you I'm a guardian angel my name is Mark it didn't always use to be Mark I had a different name but I don't remember it see when you die you forget who you were and all that so when you go to heaven they give you a new name a new identity so when you become a guardian angel if someone who knew you, sees you they won't recognize you today I'm going to become a guardian angel but the problem is I don't know who I'm guarding they don't tell you your suppose to use your angel instincts to figure it out yourself but I'll start from the start

When you die you get a new identity then they send you back to earth somewhere in the world so you can find who you will guard once you see them you can't leave them till you've put them on the right path after that you go back to heaven and stay there to watch over them so if they make more mistakes you can go and help but you can only go back if you have a reason, there are also helper angels they help the guardians give them what they need to fit in (ex: they can get you a phone, money, and a house to stay in while on earth) those are only a few things so I'll start my story from the beginning...

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