lost love: part one

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Jack's pov.

I came home with my groceries once I opened my door the first thing I noticed was a note on the table I put the groceries down on the counter and picked up the note it read

'Jack I know the first thing you'll notice is this note and the second thing is I'm not in the living room because I have a surprise come to your room
-Love Mark

Once I finish reading the note I go back in to the kitchen and put the groceries away once I'm done I walk to my room door once I open it up I see Mark sitting on the bed with handcuffs next to him "um m-Mark what are you doing?" I ask as I step in the room, saying nothing Mark gets up grabs my hand and leads me to the bed I sit down and as the bed sinks down a little, the cuffs make a slight radial sound which draws my attention to them "what are those for?" I ask looking away from the cuffs and to Mark, still saying nothing Mark grabs the handcuffs laying me down and sits on me taking my right wrist and cuffing it to the bed post then he bends down and gives me a kiss as soon as I kiss back Mark gets up and leaves the room (what just happened) "what- Mark what are you doing!?" No reply (I guess this is what I could complain about)

~Time Skip~

It had been 20 minutes sense Mark locked me in my own room I was still cuffed to the bed and I was starting to get tired so I drifted off to sleep...I don't know how much time has past but before I knew it my hand dropped and I was picked up still tired I slightly open my eyes expecting to see Mark holding me but instead I saw a person I didn't recognize I look around to see a place I didn't recognize it looked like a regular house but brighter then the man lays me down on a bed and just before he walks away he says "now maybe Mark can get back on the right track now that your not in the way, oh and Jack I wouldn't try and scream or move just go back to sleep" and he left the room I looked up at the ceiling I couldn't feel anything I tried to move my arm but I couldn't move it felt like my body was collapsing every breath I took was worst than the last and it was getting harder to breath  untill finally I passed out

Mark's POV

I was making lunch he spent most of the morning at the store which I found sad as I was making the California chicken I thought of everything that happened today first the mysterious phone call, then the fact that Jack doesn't seem to love me anymore, but I know he does and this lunch will be my first step back into Jack's heart (or as the humans say uh what was that saying again, the fastest way into a man's heart is through his stomach or something like that) I was thinking about Jack while I was cooking before I knew it 20 minutes went by and the food was almost done suddenly I got a bad feeling (probably just Jack trying to get out of the handcuffs) i was watching the bed room door no one went in or came out, soon I finally finished our lunch finally done I put them one plates and set the table with one candle in the middle of the table (done now to get Jack) I set down the plates and went to get Jack I pulled out my phone and check how I looked putting my phone away I open the door to see the room empty "Jack?" I asked looking around the small room I looked back at the bed and I noticed the handcuffs were still on the bed and closed (they weren't forced off) I unlock the handcuff and put it on my left wrist with my right hand I put it over the cuff and close my eyes and I felt the cuff fall I opened my eyes to see it still closed and right then I knew who took him I got up and quickly closing my eyes and thought (teleport me to heavens gates) I felt wind around me but it soon disappeared I opened my eyes to see I was back in heaven not hesitating I ran to the grand church bursting through the doors

"oh Mark I didn't think you would be back so soon" God said as I rushed up to him and got down on my knees

"please I need your help Jack has been kidnapped and I think I know who did it" without any expression he said

"well why do you need my help?"

"I think it was wade but I don't know where he lives can you give me his house number?" God looked at his books before getting up and grabbing one out of all the books God has the Bible is not one of them flipping the pages a couple times he finally stopped at one page and handed me the book

"this is the book of everyone that lives here but-" I flip the pages in the 'W' section of the book

"where's Wade's name?" I asked looking up at God

"he isn't an angle Mark but he does live here he some how got past the gate no one has ever found him but I believe you can use your instincts to track Jack which will lead you to Wade but be careful" God said taking the book from me I nod and ran out of the grand church running down the street as I stopped at an old building that no one went near because of its history I slowly walked up the two steps on to the porch and to the broken front door I pushed the door open best I could and slide through the space I made once I was in I could feel myself getting week meaning Jack is in trouble

"Mark I'm happy you could make it but I'm afraid Jack won't live to see you one last time haha" 'he' said with the worst laugh ever

"Wade come out her and tell me what you did to Jack!" I said looking around the large house

"oh I haven't done anything to Jack you see heaven has a heavy gravity and Jack's body isn't use to the weight his own body weight is what's killing him and once he's dead he's not coming to heaven oh no he's going to hell" I balled up my fist and said

"how I did everything to make him a better person why isn't he coming to heaven!"

"Oh that's simple if you come to heaven when your not dead it's a sin and sinners go to hell but don't worry about Jack I'll always be there for you" Wade said with the happiest voice I've only ever heard from one person

"why do want to take Jack away from me?" I asked sinking to my knees

"oh it's very simple you see ever sense the moment you came to heaven I was watching you I fell in love with you so when I heard that you were a guardian angel I took that moment to talk to you I got the box and brought it to you I was so nervous I left quickly after introducing myself but when I saw you two falling in love I had to do something I love you and I always will" I looked around and saw the stairs I quickly ran to them ending the conversation I ran up all the steps skipping a couple at the top and saw a long hallway with doors on both sides I opened the first door- bathroom the second- I stopped and walked to the very end of the hall and opened the door on the left side in it was

"Jack oh no" I ran up to him and held him in my arms picking him up he went limp "Jack! No no no" I put my ear to his heart not one beat came out

"it's a shame really at first I liked Jack but I don't like people getting in my way" I looked at the door and saw Wade standing there leaning against the door frame I just stood there with tears streaming down my face as I held Jack's body in my arms

"I'm sorry Jack I couldn't save you I'm so sorry I love you" I said kissing his head I walked to the door and pushed past Wade

"hey where are you going!" I quickly turned around and gave Wade a death stare

"I'M TAKING JACK BACK TO EARTH BECAUSE YOU JUST HAD TO KILL HIM AND I LOVED HIM" tears still streaming down my face, and without realizing it I started floating a thing angels don't do often when they get angry, the last time someone did that was thousands of years ago I soon relaxed and got back on the floor turned around and walked down the stairs and out the door but instead of going to the gate I went straight to the grand church bursting through the doors "God help please" I said collapsing to the floor with Jack still in my arms as I rocked his body back and forth wanting him to just be sleeping though I knew the truth


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