chapter 1. the beginning

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Marks pov.

I rushed trying to get to where I was going fast as soon as I reached the big building in front of me I slowed to a speed walk I entered the doors then heard his voice "so you arrived quicker than I expected" his voice was gentle

"i- I ran as soon as I heard you asked for me" I said with a slight stutter

"so do you know why I called you here?" He said as he turned around I slowly shook my head "well I have chosen you to be a guardian what do you think?" I just stood there my mouth slightly ajar I didn't know what to say I was really going to be a guardian I've always wanted to be one but never thought I'd ever get the chance slowly my slightly open mouth turned into a smile

"y-yes I would love to be a guardian I've always dreamed of being one" I said exactly

"I know I've been waiting for the perfect time and I think now is that time"

"thank you so much what do I need to do?"

"First go back home I'll send your helper there with your instructions"

"m-my helper so we're both guardians?"

"No helpers just bring you the stuff you need to survive on earth so you blend in better"


"so go back home and wait for your helper to arrive then follow the instructions they give you"

"oh OK"

"oh and your name is Mark"

"Mark" I let the name roll off my tongue

"thanks God" I smiled then waved goodbye and went home to wait for my 'helper', a helper isn't a common job not many angles know about them until God tells you, you are one or you get one witch only guardians get

~time skip~

After I retuned home I sat on my couch and waited for my helper to get here *knock knock* I jumped up and answered the door "h-hello"

"hi are you Mark?" I slightly nodded then he handed me a box "I'm your helper my name's Waid" as he said that he left I closed my door and opened the box he gave me in it was a passport with my picture and name as I read the name I got slightly confused

"fishbach what type of last name is that? Mark Edward Fishbach what?" I put the passport down and picked up the piece of paper that told me what part of the earth I was going to Ireland oh good once I knew where I was going in Ireland I put that paper down and picked up the small book that said 'guardian instructions' I opened it up and it said

"you are the next guardian you will need to follow the instructions carefully Step 1. Don't take anything other than your passport with you. Step 2. Once you arrive on earth where ever you were assigned look around and in shops try and find the person you are supposed to guard ASAP you have all the time to help the person but you want to find them quickly so you can get to know them. Step 3. YOU CANNOT TELL THEM YOU ARE AN ANGEL! If you do you will be brought back to heaven and your wings will be removed. Step 4. Your helper can only bring you stuff he/she cannot interact with people if you need something say it out loud your helper will come down from heaven and get you what you need but you have to address your helper. Follow these simple steps and get your chosen one on the right path"

"my chosen one? That's weird but OK"

"go to the gates of heaven and think about where you want to go and you will be sent there"

"OK" I put up everything I didn't need and grabbed my passport I went out of my door after I was outside I turned around and looked at my house after I leave I won't be back for a while but I was happy I smiled and left for the gates once I arrived there I saw God "God thank you this is awesome"

"just remember don't reveal what you are OK" I nodded and he motioned to the gate I turned my gaze from him to the gates then I slowly walked up to it as soon as I reached the gates I looked at God once more then thought about where I wanted to go...

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