Jacob x Emily

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I got up on our last day of vacation and made some toast.... yum, toast! Then I heard Jinx scream, "I ship it!"

Me and Alex went to the top and bottom of the stairs saying, "I heard the word ship who's the new OTP?" we asked.

Jacob, Jinx, and the girl I shoved out of my way when Micheal made toast laughed... A LOT!

"This is Emily," Jacob said blushing, "She's my girlfriend."

All me, Jinx, and Alex did was fangirl scream.

"Oh great my ears are bleeding," said Malikah.

Alex all of a sudden started going to her room singing "I don't care I ship it!"

"Yay! Now me and Jinx can't think you sleep on the balcony lonely because everyone but you had a girlfriend/boyfriend (which is true me and Asia thought that at lunch when you started writing your newest story... sorry!)," I said.

"SHUT UP!" he said and we all laughed.

(I'm soooooooo sorry Jacob but Asia said we should add Emily and I thought you slept on the balcony because you were lonely without a girlfriend in the story......)

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