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Dominika sighed as she stood at the side of the ice rink. She wanted to skate so badly, but she wasn't allowed to until the doctors gave the go. So she now had no other choice but to stand beside the rink, while the others all practiced.

"What's that sour look on your face for, Domochka?" Georgi asked as he came to stand beside her, on the other side of the railing though, grabbing his water bottle. "I don't think Yakov allowed you to take a break. If he finds out-" "Georgi! Get over here!" Speaking of the devil, that was Yakov calling, just as Dominika had predicted. The black haired woman snickered as she watched him go off.

Across from her, Lilia was talking to Yuri about something, resulting in the blonde nodding and then skating off, probably trying to correct a mistake he did. Dominika rested her chin on her hand and her elbow on the railing, watching them. She would do anything to be able to skate again, but after a car crash, where she almost died, and the knee surgery, she would have to go without sports for a while now. But she'd fight her way back to the top, that's for sure.

"Dominika, I advise that you're going to be a bit more careful for the next few days." A voice all of a sudden perked up beside her, making her turn towards it. Aleksandrina stood there, a somewhat sad smile on her lips, as she continued "Viktor's in town. He'll most likely be visiting."

It's cruel that she couldn't tell him. But she had no other choice. Well, she did, but she didn't want to go that way. "Okay..." Dominika mumbled and looked away. She heard the taller woman beside her sigh and in the next moment was pulled into a hug by the Russian. Well, there were Russians everywhere, but Dominika wasn't a born Russian. She just learned that language in high school.

"Now come on, we've got to go home to check on Cookie!" Aleksandrina cheered and gently shoved the black haired female forward, being careful because of her knee. Dominika sighed and mumbled "I still can't believe that you named him Cookie..." Dominika and Aleksandrina lived together, mostly because Dominika didn't want to live alone.

And in their apartment, they had a cute little dog. It had taken a lot of convincing, since Dominika was scared of dogs, but in the end she just had to give in, because the dog actually was unbelievably adorable. A puppy, a few months old. And Aleksandrina had decided to call him Cookie. Cookie! Of all the names she could've chosen, she called their dog Cookie! What's the most ironic is when Aleksandrina would say 'Does Cookie want a cookie?' in a voice, as if she's talking to a baby.

Aleksandrina giggled and wrapped an arm around Dominika's shoulder "Because he reminds me of a cookie! He's all light brown with dark brown spots here and there. Don't tell me that he doesn't remind you of a cookie!" In response, she only got a sigh, making her laugh some more.

The two of them left the rink — how Aleksandrina got Yakov to let her go early is a mystery to Dominika — and headed their way to their apartment. Just as they had turned around the corner, Dominika bumped into a tall male with silver-grayish hair and ocean blue eyes. Dominika simply kept her gaze fixed to the floor, as she mumbled "Excuse me..."

"It's fine." The male replied and she noticed that Aleksandrina quickened her pace a little, and immediately Dominika noticed who that just was. But she didn't bother to complain in any sorts and just followed Aleksandrina home to their dog.

As soon as Aleksandrina stuck the key into the lock and began to turn it, they heard scrambling on the floor inside, followed by a cute and happy sounding barking. After the door had been unlocked, they immediately were jumped at by their cute little puppy, who was wagging his tail happily and wanted to be cuddled by his owners.

Dominika smiled as she picked their puppy up and headed to the couch, laying down, setting Cookie on top of her stomach, gently running a hand through his short but fluffy fur. Cookie barked happily as he then curled up to a small ball of fur on Dominikas stomach, spending warmth. Cookie literally cuddled up against her hand, which made her smile some more.

"See? It's a good thing we got him." She heard Aleksandrina say and looked back carefully, hoping not to move Cookie too much. The taller woman smiled softly and also ruffled Cookies fur slightly, as a greeting from her side, before saying "I'll go make us something to eat."

Dominika nodded and then leaned back a little, soon drifting off to sleep.


Viktor regretted that he had gotten out of bed that morning. He was in Russia, together with Makkachin and Yuuri, the latter having insisted on coming with him, since Viktor was quite down in the last while and soon would be starting to skate for Japan, so he wanted to get his stuff from St. Petersburg.

Viktor was depressed, that was for sure. After all, he had lost the woman who had meant the world to him, on his birthday of all days. Mikaela had officially died on his birthday, which had shattered the usually so strong male into pieces.

As he headed to the ice rink in his hometown, he accidentally bumped into a woman, a little shorter than him, with black, curly hair that went shortly past her shoulders. The woman didn't look at him, she didn't even seem bothered, as she held more onto the woman who had an arm around her. The black haired woman quietly mumbled an apology, but Viktor was too lost in his thoughts, replying a simple "It's fine."

Subconsciously, his hand wrapped around the snowflake pendant of the necklace which had belonged to Mikaela. It's a habit he had gotten accustomed to in the past two months. He missed her greatly. He wished he wouldn't have set that up with Marie and Christophe. Maybe then Mikaela would still be with him.

He entered the ice rink, immediately taking in the familiar surroundings. "Vitya!" He heard Mila call and for a second, he thought of Mikaela again. He gave a small smile as he said "I only came to get my things..." "Why, are you leaving again?" Yuri asked and raised an eyebrow at the man, to which the silver haired male responded "I'm going to skate another season. For Japan."



"Did you hear? Viktor is going to skate another season for Japan." Aleksandrina stated. She sat on the couch, while Dominika laid there, her feet in Aleksandrinas lap and Cookie sleeping on her stomach. They were watching a movie, of which Dominika understood about every second or third word, while Aleksandrina scrolled through her phone.

A small smile brought its way to Dominika's lips. "So he'll really do it..." she mumbled, rather to herself, as Aleksandrina barely understood the words she spoke. "What do you mean?" The brunette asked, stopping to scroll through her phone for a moment and glancing at the woman shortly, before turning her attention back to her phone.

"Oh nothing...I'm just happy to be able to see him skate another season, even if it's not for Russia. I bet Yuri or Georgi will beat his ass...well, rather Yuri. Georgi is an asshat, his ego is too full for that." "Aww, Domochka, don't be so mean to poor Georgi, he can be really lovable, y'know?"

"There you've got it. Can. Doesn't mean he is." A snicker left the brunettes lips and she nodded "Okay, I'll give that point to you, konfekta."

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