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"Georgi." Dominika carefully called out just as he skated past her.

Having picked his attention, the elder male skated over to the railing and looked at Dominika awaitingly. In the past few weeks that she's been there, she's become somewhat of an adviser to all of them, since Yakov and Lilia were quite occupied with Yuri.

"You need to be careful about the landing. Bend your knee a little more." She softly said and the dark haired male nodded, before skating off again. She watched as Georgi went and jumped, his landing looking much better than the one before, to which she called over "That's better, Georgi!"

"Hey, where's my praise?" Mila asked out of the blue, suddenly appearing in front of her, startling the poor woman. Mila snickered at that and patter Dominikas shoulder "Sorry for scaring you like that."

At that comment, Dominika frowned and glared at the red headed woman a little while saying "I'm not scared!" That though made Mila laugh.

"Mila, get back to practicing your routine!" The voice of Yakov now pulled the two women out of their short break, Mila groaning silently, before she pushed herself off of the railing and got back to practicing what she had planned for her short program for the next season.

Dominika stood there from then on, remaining in silence, as she watched her friends practice. She wished for nothing more than to finally stand on the ice once more. She would do anything she could.

A low sigh left her lips as she then closed her eyes, her thoughts wandering off to a program of her junior days, the first she had ever performed on an international level. She had done it in the hopes that someone of her inspirations would notice her. But throughout the years she gave up on that hope.

That is, until Viktor Nikiforov interrupted her practice in Hasetsu. Never had she believed she'd get close to someone so legendary. But there he stood, smiling like the little adorable idiot he is. And just the thought of that memory made a small smile appear on her lips.

"That was beautiful. Where did you learn to skate like that?" The man asked with a gentle smile. In return, Mikaela skated past him toward the railing and grabbed her water bottle from the other side. "Germany," She simply stated, while turning the music box off and stopping the playlist from going on.

"Germany! How come you are here now?" Same man asked and skated back towards her, the other guys who had followed just watching the scenery with raised eyebrows. "How come two Russians are here now?" She then simply retorted and raised an eyebrow, turning to the silver head and the other blonde. "Huh? Yo-" quickly, the silver head clamped his hand over the blondes mouth and smiled in an apologizing way.

Dominika sighed and opened her eyes, trying to pull her focus back onto the ones skating. 'Vitya...I'm sorry.'

"I'm sorry about him. Viktor Nikiforov. That's Yuri Plisetsky and Yuuri Katsuki." "I know who you are." Mikaela then replied and smirked a little. "Mika?" Yuuri suddenly asked. Named female nodded and grinned at the megane.

Then she turned to the Russians and said "Mikaela Lewis. Nice to meet you."

"Hey, Domochka, let's head back home!" A voice beside her cheered, making the black haired girl jump slightly, ignoring the slight pain in her knee. It was Aleksandrina, holding her skates in her hands and having a smile on her face.

"I swear by Bishamon, the next time you scare me like that I will throw a stapler at you!" Dominika hissed, making Aleksandrina laugh at the mentioning of one of Dominikas gods she sometimes prayed to and at the mentioning of the stapler.

"Well, you are unbelievably precise with your stapler!" Aleksandrina joked and grinned at the shorter woman, who only glared at her, obviously pissed that the other woman had scared her like that.

Aleksandrina only grinned and wrapped an arm around Dominikas shoulders, saying "Lets go home. I bet Cookie is waiting for the best owners in the world to return home to him!"

"Why would she attack Aleksandrina with a stapler?" Mila asked Georgi as they stood side by side in the rink, having heard the words that the black haired woman had spoken. "I think she did that once last week..." Georgi said and Mila snickered at that.

"Stop laughing, otherwise she'll attack you with a stapler next." Georgi deadpanned, before he left the red headed female alone to practice his own routine.

Mila looked at him for a moment as if she had seen a ghost, before then following his example and beginning to practice a few spin combinations.


"Domochka, I'm taking Cookie out for a walk, okay?" Aleksandrina called as she took Cookie on a leash, Dominika replying "Okay, have fun!"

Dominika leaned back on the couch and sighed lowly, pulling out her phone. Mila had sent her a link just about twenty minutes ago. The thumbnail was a picture of Mikaela and Viktor, side by side, so she could only guess what a certain pair of triplets had done.

As the video loaded, she took a look at the title, which said Viktor Nikiforov skates to Lose it by Oh Wonder - side by side comparison with Mikaela Lewis.

Dominika shook her head slightly, but nevertheless smiled slightly as she read that. As the video began, one half of the screen was a recording of her, the other was Viktor. It was so similar, the moves, that it was scary.

And it was so scary, that Dominika even ended up crying. There was so much emotion in Viktor's performance, so much love and so much pain, and it hurt her to know that it was her fault, that she was the cause for his pain.

If only she could telling. If only she could apologize to him. But she couldn't. And she hated this fact, this action of her friends, that she just couldn't go to him. She loved him, more than anything, and it broke her heart to see him like this.

With a sigh, she put her phone down and shut it off, quickly wiping the tears away that had been rolling down her cheeks just moments earlier.

"I'm sorry, Vitya..." Dominika mumbled and pressed her lips to a small line. She couldn't stand this.

Remaining in silence like that for some time longer, she was pulled out of her thoughts, when her phone peeped, announcing that someone had sent her a message.

Unlocking the phone, she noticed that it, once again, was Mila with another link. This time it was a news article. And once again she clicked on the link and let herself be re-directed.

Viktor Nikiforov skates in honor of his dead girlfriend

Mere hours ago, a video began to course the internet. A side by side comparison of Viktor Nikiforov (28) and the female figure skating prodigy Mikaela Lewis (20†).

Lewis died after a car accident, being claimed as braindead on the 25th of December. She and Nikiforov have been said to have a very close relationship, being a couple, as most sources say.

Lewis left a great hole in the female figure skating section, having been one of the women standing at the top. She had fought herself up on her own for the most of the time, having been coach-less ever since her first coach left her after her senior debut.

But also, Lewis has left a big hole in the lives of those who stood close to her. Viktor Nikiforov, for example. As far as we know, he skated to the song his girlfriend had performed to, because it's because of this choreography that he had fallen in love with her.

It is astonishing to see how big the gap is that Lewis has left behind, as nobody had thought that she had such a great impact on Nikiforov.

Dominika didn't want to continue reading. Or rather, she couldn't, as tears blinded her sight. All of this is her fault. She regretted this more than anything in this world and she wished for nothing more but to be able to be in Viktors arms again.

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