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"Okay Dominika, one more time and we're done for today!" Yakov announced and named woman nodded, taking a deep breath, before advancing one more time to jump.

It's been a year and a half now and she was finally on the ice again. It was such a great feeling, being able to feel the ice giving on ever so slightly beneath the blades of her skates.

She dug the toe pick into the ice and pushed herself off, twirling in the air and managing to land securely back on the ice without falling. And to crown it all, Mila and Aleksandrina began to clap, to tease her. That actually frustrated Dominika slightly.

Glaring at the two women, who began to snicker at that, she skated back to the side, taking her water bottle and taking a sip. "I hate you two," she muttered, to which they sang "You love us!"

Dominika rolled her eyes at them and then turned her attention to Yakov, who said "You're getting better. You need to work on the height a little more but otherwise it's good. Considering in what condition you were in just a year ago."

The dark haired woman nodded and smiled a little, happy about the progress she was obviously making. Soon she could start with choreographing the program she wanted to compete with, most likely in the season after the following. It's in the middle of summer and the new season was starting soon.

"Hello everyone!" A voice all of a sudden called rather cheerily, followed by someone else saying "Viktor, stop dragging me along!"

Dominikas eyes widened in that moment. Viktor was here? Glancing towards the door, she saw Viktor smiling and waving, dragging Yuri along, the Japanese Yuuri tagging along a little behind them.

"Oh, you have a new student? Yakov, why didn't you tell me?" Viktor asked as he looked at his former coach, who deadpanned "You didn't ask." Aleksandrina snorted as she held onto Mila to not fall onto her butt, which ended up in her dragging Mila along and both of them landing on the ice.

Dominika sighed and shook her head, not even bothering to go help them, as she knew she'd end up on the ice alongside them.

"Hi, I'm Viktor Nikiforov!" Viktor smiled his heart-shaped smile. Deep down it made her go week, but on the outside she calmly replied "Dominika Aleksandrov."

She stepped off of the ice and pulled her skate guards over the blades, careful with bending her knee as it still couldn't really take 100% over a longer duration of time.

"How long have you been under Yakovs training?" Viktor asked as he now stood before her, as she sat down to take her skates off. "For about half a year now," Dominika replied, not looking at him.

Suddenly, she felt his fingertips touch her scalp and gently let a strand of her hair slide through his finger that had loosened out of her ponytail. Her eyes widened a little, before she slapped his hand away.

For a moment there was nothing but silence, until Viktor broke it, saying "I'm sorry. You just remind me of someone I used to know." Then he turned away and turned his attention to Yakov and the others.

Dominika let out a breath that she hadn't realized she was holding, as she finished to tie her own shoes. She grabbed her skates and put them in her bag, before getting to her feet and saying "I'll be taking my leave now. I'll see you tomorrow."

That said, the dark haired woman walked away, still surprised and shocked over what had just happened.

Viktor's POV

As he watched the girl named Dominika sit down and begin to take her skates off, he asked her how long she had already been training under Yakov, out of pure curiosity.

The way she smiled and spoke reminded him too much of Mikaela and it hurt him, honestly. It hurt him so much to think about her, for he loved her with all of her heart and he still did. She still meant the world to him, even though she was gone.

As Dominika began to untie her skates, he absentmindedly took a strand of her dark locks between his fingers, that already had a shimmer of blonde in them. But almost immediately, she slapped his hand away. Viktor paused and thought for a moment.

No. This isn't Mikaela. And nobody ever will replace her. He just had to learn how to let go. Because he knew that it was useless to mourn after her. He knew that deep down and yet he still couldn't bear the thought of letting her go.

Finding his voice after a short moment, he said "I'm sorry. You just remind me of someone I used to know."

Viktor but his lip slightly as he then turned away to head to Yakov. It bothered him. It bothered him greatly, that this new skater that Yakov coached reminded him so much of the love of his life.

"So, why are you here Vitya?" Yakov finally asked, shortly after Dominika had announced that she would be leaving.

Viktor frowned a little as he watched the young woman leave. So, as he was lost in thoughts, Yuuri began to explain why they were here. Because Viktor wanted Yakov to give Yuuri a few more tips and to let the two of them stay for the next few days so they could practice together.

Even after Dominika had stepped out of the door and was no longer in sight, Viktor continued to stare at the spot where she had just left. Something about Dominika just triggered his memories about Mikaela and he had no idea what.

Maybe it was because they looked so similar, or that they talked similar or had the same voice. Comparing them, they seemed so different and yet so same. And trying to let go of someone you loved isn't easy, especially when another person reminds you of the one you're trying to let go of.

Dominikas POV

"Viktor and Yuuri are going to be staying here in St Petersburg for the next few days. They want tips from Yakov for practice." Aleksandrina announced as soon as she stepped into the apartment that she and Dominika shared.

Dominika sighed as she heard that, not looking up from the book she was currently reading. After a short moment of silence, Cookies tapping on the laminated floor not included, Dominika said "As long as he is here, I won't be attending practice. Tell Yakov I'm sick. He'll know what I mean."

Aleksandrina sighed as she watched the dark haired woman on the sofa. "You can't hide from him forever, you know," she then stated, heading to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"Just a little while longer. I won't hide from him much longer. I just can't blow my cover yet. Or rather, I don't want to. Not until my knee is fully healed."

Another sigh came from Aleksandrina before the Russian woman asked "And how much longer is that in your eyes?"

"I don't know. It depends on my knee." And again, Aleksandrina sighed, before she got an idea.

"Domochka, I want you to promise me something," she said as soon as she stepped into the living room, heading towards the couch. Dominika made room, taking her legs off of the couch to Aleksandrina could sit down.

Finally putting down the book, Dominika now looked at the other woman, waiting for her to speak up.

"Wait until his birthday. Return to him then."

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