1-Diagon Alley

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"Hagrid! C'mon, lets get my wand!" Rubeus Hagrid had saved me from my aunt and uncle. He told me that I was a witch. Hagrid took me to Diagon Alley, and now I'm shopping for my supplies for a magic school named Hogwarts.

Funny how things work out, isn't it?

Overwhelming, huh? And why, do you ask, did I so willingly believe Hagrid and come to this unknown plaza? Well, anything was better than my rude Aunt Susan and my pile-o-lard Uncle Jordan. And of course my cousins, Abby and Petrey Smith.

Even one day feels like vacation.

Vacation. I smile at the thought of lying on beach towel with an umbrella, with the waves rippling. In my daydream I take a sip from my lemonade, and remind myself that the Smiths were hundreds of miles away. Life in my dream was gooood.

"Harmony," Hagrid said, poking me. "Yer goin' the wrong way. Ollivander's is across the street there."

"Ah," I said. "I knew that."

No I didn't. But ssh.

We walked inside the wand shop. Inside Ollivander's, there were wand boxes anywhere. Some were scattered on the floor, some were neatly on the wall, one was on the roof (I wouldn't ask) and five more were being carried in from the back ofthe shop by a man who must have been Ollivander.

"Well, hello there," Ollivander said, then yelped when he looked at me. He quickly regained himsef, but I wondered what I did wrong.

"Apologies," Crazy Wand Man said. "Looking for a wand, little girl?"

Duh, I'm here, I thought, but didn't say that aloud. And I certainly wasn't little. I recently turned 11, and was 4'8.

Oh, maybe a little.

"Yeah, she needs one fer the school year," Hagrid says. Hagrid, on the other hand, was at least twice my size. I was covinced that he was a giant.

"Well I'll see what I can do," Ollivander said. He scanned the shelf of wands and grabbed a long box.

When he opened the box for me, there was a long wooden wand inside.

"10 inches, alder wood, unicorn hair core. Go on, then," he said. "Give it a swish."

I swished it, and a vase to my left shattered on impact.

"Aah!" Ollivander shrieked. "Let's get another one."

~Nineteen wands later~

"Well, child, I simply cannot find the right wand for you," Ollivander panted. "Unless..."

Ollivander walked to the back of his store, and came back with a short little box.

"I only have one of this kind left," Ollivander said, sad it might leave him. "But it's worth a try. Oak wood, 8 inches, and basilisk tusk core. These are especially difficult to create, and uh... may cost extra," he said, this time to Hagrid, who's face knew his fate.

I carefully took the wand, and gave it a little swish. It made a cracking noise, and then sparks cracked aroundthe wand, illuminating it in my hand. Finally, a wand that didn't kill someone.

"Alrighty," Ollivander said. "The wand itself will be 15 galleons, and... about five more for the damages."

Hagrid's face paled as he took out many, many gold coins.

As we left the store, Ollivander called, "Use it wisely, child!"

Child. At least I wouldn't care to part with a chunk of wood.

"Okay," Hagrid said. "We have yer robes, wand and books, now it's time to get you a pet."

A pet!!!

"Really?!" I cheered.

"Yep, at the store you can get a toad, cat or owl."

I ran up to the store with a sign that read Eeylops Owl Emporium. I opened the door, and signaled a bell. The first thing I saw was a little brown striped owl, flapping its wings in a tiny cage.

"Hagrid!" I cried. "I need this."

Hagrid looked over at me. "Al'righty, Harmony, but don't'cha want to look at the other animals firs-"

Hagrid stopped his speech when the door bell chimed, and a platinum haired boy about my age walked in.The man who was with him gave me a dirty look.

"Hagrid?" I asked. Hagrid just moved in front of me, blocking the boy's father's view.

Hagrid took the owl cage from my hand and took it up to the lady at the desk. Rude.

But I guess I can't say anything bad about Hagrid. You know, he bought me all of my stuff... got me a way from the Smiths...

"Next stop," Hagrid began as we walked out of the store, "is the Gringotts Bank, so yeh can pay me back all I've spent on yeh."

My eyes must have widened. "B-but I don't even have a bank account," I said. "I'm eleven. And if I did, there certainly wouldn't be anything in it."

"Oh now, I'm only kiddin'," Hagrid said. Today was... oh, a late birthday gift."

That was kind of Hagrid, then. My birthday was about a fortnight ago, in late July. Wait, how did he know my birthday?

"The headmaster of Hogwarts, professor Dumbledore, told me yer birthday," Hagrid told me, and I calmed down.

Wait, how did the headmaster know my birthday?!?!

When we arrived at a big white building, Hagrid told me it was the bank. Inside the bank, there were goblins. EVERYWHERE.

A goblin was waiting at a large door at the end of the bank, and Hagrid took me to him.

"Oh," the goblin said. "I suppose you need into your vault, Miss Harmony. Hello again, Rubeus."

One, he called me Harmony. I am now super convinced that the wizarding world is full of mind readers. Two, he called me miss.


"Right this way, then," the goblin motioned. "Your vault is number 713."

(ok guys so breaking news 713 backwards is 317 and thats the same as 31/7 which is the 31ST OF JULY, harrys birthday. Mind=blown)

Hagrid got a confused look on his face. "ex'cuse me," Hagrid said to the goblin. "I think yeh have the wrong vault."

The goblin gave Hagrid a snotty look. "I do not have the wrong vault."

Well, ooo-kay, Mr. Grumpy.

The goblin opened the vault, and it was filled with the gold coins that Hagrid paid with.

"Sweet! I'M RICH!!" I shouted as I dove into my vault. All mine.

The day had gone pretty well. I still couldn't believe that this existed. I had a pet owl, and I was rich.

Hey guys!

So my first book ! Woohoo, right?
Anyway, please comment if you see any typos, or comment in general. I ♡ feedback :)

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